Monday, December 10, 2012

Teacher Asks Students to Write About a Controversial Topic by Kira Bell

In a secondary school in France a woman asks her 13/14 year old students to write about reasons and justifications of killing themselves basically a suicide note. This obviously sparked a controvery among parents and other faculty, mortified their children were being encouraged to end their life, they suspended the teacher until further notice.
I find this an interesting subject to think about and maybe for a more mature class of students who were not so swayed by others these could make facinating essays, however adolecents are emotional and easily influenced so implanting the idea of suicide by an authourity figure could be hazardous to their self esteem and happiness.

1 comment:

  1. There are a lot of suicides happening. Many military deaths this year have been by suicide. Maybe it would be wise to talk about it. Could help someone.
