Monday, December 17, 2012

Tipsy Elephants by Amaria Sterm

Two Russian elephants were said to have been saved from Siberian cold by drinking Vodka. Two cases of Vodka was mixed with warm water to warm the elephants after the suffered from frostbite in the cold. One official stated, "They started roaring like if they were in the jungle! Perhaps, they were happy," They were taken care of in a heated garage after their life-saving beverage. The two elephants have been touring with a Polish circus. Officials say that the elephants were not intoxicated and would have died without it.

I think that this is a cute and funny story that shows how human pleasures can save animals. It just goes to show that alcohol's affect is not always negative.

1 comment:

  1. It is a cute story. I'm also glad that the elephants were able to live.
