Friday, December 14, 2012

Jackie Brown - Gun Control

After the horrifying shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut people still believe we should get our guns taken away from us? All that would do is take away the self defense & protection the follow-the-rules citizens have, because the criminals like today would obviously not be like "Oh okay here ya go." & give up their guns. Then we'd be left with the rule followers being unarmed, & hostile criminals still bearing arms.
Today, with the 26 deaths occurring at that poor elementary school, I can imagine the "shoulda coulda woulda" circulating across the political discussions over this incident. There is nothing that could have been done differently than what their helpless souls did. All schools have drills for preventing intruders & situations like this, but there's only so much you can do. However, if teachers had a secret drawer with a gun that the children didn't know about, maybe the crazy guy(s) that committed this massacre wouldn't have gotten the opportunity the shoot so many little innocent children & adults?
I'm not sure how, but even with that said people STILL believe we should take away to guns of people would follow the law & give them up. It's a cruel world out their & we all need as much protection as we can get. Rest in peace to the people who died today, & think of the ones who survived & are now traumatized from the hellish experiance.


  1. It's devastating that this even happened in the first place... My thoughts go out to the families affected.

  2. I can't believe this happened, it's so sad, and I wish the best for all of the families.

  3. Okay taking away guns isn't going to do anything, in China a man attacked a school and mauled people with a knife. It's the minds that are causing the trouble.
    My heart and love goes out to these people and their families!!!!!!!!!
