Saturday, December 15, 2012

Researchers hope to uncover who's behind the 'Mona Lisa' smile By: Halle Van De Hey

        In this article Ben Wedeman of CNN talks about the search to find the remains of "Mona Lisa," the model who posed for Leonardo Da Vinci over five hundred years ago. This extensive search is being led by Silvano Vinceti. They have doug up several graves in hope that they found her. They are doing DNA testing to try to reconstruct her face. When reconstructing her face they have a two to eight percent chance of error, but have strong hopes of finding her remains and solving the mystery of who was the model for Leonardo.

        I think that this search i amazing, and could be so influential in futhering our understanding of different art all around the world. I hope they find her remains and are able to identify her, because I think the story behind The Mona Lisa is intricate, and very mysterious. If we find her it will further our understanding of the painting as well. 



  1. This sounds really cool, but why are they looking for her now? Why didn't those who wondered in the past just find her so we would already know now?

  2. This is really awesome! I have always been intrigued about who the mona lisa actually was, so hopefully we will all be able to find out soon enough!
