Sunday, December 16, 2012

Traffic Jam in Russia Stretches for Miles and Last for Days Post by: Addison Norman

Traffic Jam in Russia Stretches for Miles and Last for Days
Post by Addison Norman

            Few weeks ago a massive traffic jam occurred on highway M-10 in Russia.
The highway between two of Russia’s most populated cities, Moscow and St. Petersburg; the congestion stretched for 125 miles between the cities. The traffic was cause by harsh weather conditions like snow and fog, but most of the snow had fallen days before the traffic jam. At times traffic would move at ¾, 3, or 6 miles per hour, and commonly the highway only had one lane operating. Gas stations ran out of fuel, and some businesses along the highway brought prices to take advantage of people stuck in traffic. Many measures were taken to try to move traffic along, but it still lasted for days.
            That would be terrifying to be stuck in traffic for that long. I know I get annoyed when traffic is bad, but to be in traffic for days would be terrible. I can imagine how many cars ran out of fuel, and how many people were hungry.


  1. This definitely puts things on perspective- it will make you think twice before complaining about traffic again!

  2. That sounds terrible! I wonder what the cause of this bad traffic was. It would be terrifying to just run out of gas in the highway especially since gas stations had run out of gas. I think it is terrible of businesses to take advantage of stranded cars on the highway by raising their prices. I hope a traffic jam like this doesn't happen again.
