Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Santa Fe

A sawed-off shotgun and a .38-calliber handgun.

Ten lives.

The state of Texas stands still.

The survivors of parkland still blacklisted as they urge the government for reform, while the public cry in every perspective(The Survivors Outbreak). Texas Greg Abbott calls off his shotgun giveaway as referenced in Mason"s article. Dimitrios sits in a Galveston jail held without bond.If convicted, he will not face the death penalty(CNN News coverage over Dimitrios).The Dallas Independent school district issues a district-wide campaign titled, "See Say Do Something" which commenced this pass Monday, May 21, 2018(See Say Do Something Outtakes).Which held a question panel between the Teen Board of DISD and a group of presenters, two who were representatives from the FBI and Homeland security, Safety expert Mark Herrera, and DISD Police Chief Craig Miller.

March for Our Lives was held in March.

The School Walkout was in April.

The 22nd school shooting took place in Santa Fe, Texas in May.

The victims whose lives were taken away were  Sabika Sheikh, Shana Fisher, Jared Black, Chris Stone, Angelique Ramirez, Christian Riley Garcia, Aaron Kyle McLeod and Kimberly Vaughan. Teachers Glenda Ann Perkins and Cynthia Tisdale.

All this begs the question,

What will happen in June?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

"Crisis actors" - Avery Vance

In the aftermath of the parkland shooting many kids from the school have spoken out and to great effect. However some ignorant, disrespectful people, the ranks of which include genuine politicians have made claims that the children are "crisis actors". This is incredibly painful for these children as they are just trying to express their grief and that grief is being labeled fake by the people in power.

This incident was a tragedy, a very real tragedy and shouldn't be taken lightly or be called fake. I hope anyone who has made such offensive remarks  apologizes.

Monday, December 18, 2017

Kevin Spacey - Avery Vance

Actor Anthony Rapp has accused actor Kevin Spacey of sexually assaulting him when he was 14. Anthony's allegation was from sexual advances in 1986, in Kevin Spacey's apartment. Kevin Spacey issued a public apology but said he did not remember the incident.  Anthony Rapp said he felt he was compelled to come forward after the Harvey Weinstein scandal became national news.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Brock Turners fierce return - Avery Vance

Brock Turner was given a very light sentence last year for the sexual assault of an unconscious classmate behind a dumpster in 2016. Despite being literally captured on the scene by two heroic classmates, Brock and his scumbag father fought tooth and nail to keep Brock out of jail. Brock's father stated "this is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of 20 plus years of his life", illustrating just how scummy he is. Sadly Brock has returned to the news because his lawyers are trying once again to get him out of trouble by claiming his court trial was unfair. Hopefully his lawyers and him get shafted him preferably in prison by a very burly hairy man who'll teach him what it feels like to be penetrated without consent.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Gal Gadot alleged refusal to wonder woman sequel - Avery Vance

Gal Gadot, actress and star of the hit film Wonder Woman, has been reported to have said that she will not be a part of the Wonder Woman sequel unless Warner Bros. dumps Brett Ratner, a prominent producer in hollywood who has been accused of sexual assault by many women including actresses such as Ellen Paige. There has been no statement released by either Warner Bros. or Gadot herself, however these reports seem plausible as Gadot had recently dropped out of an awards ceremony where she was supposed to give Ratner a lifetime achievement award. This statement along with her quite obvious stance on sexual assault in the industry makes these reports seem as though they hold more weight.


Roy Moore sexual assault scandal - Avery Vance

Candidate for Alabama senate Roy Moore has been accused of sexual assault, derailing his campaign. Thirty eight years ago, judge Moore allegedly sexually assaulted a fourteen year old girl when he was thirty two years old. Clearly an illegal act, the stance taken in a situation like this is usually "innocent till proven guilty". However, since this involves someone potentially in a position of political power, that is a not the stance being taken. This mans campaign has been almost entirely derailed as a result of this and while I do hope the accusations are false as that means less evil is being conducted in the world, if these allegations are true I hope judge Moore gets put behind bars and soon.


Tuesday, November 7, 2017

 The Texas shooting

 This shooting took place in Sutherlands, Texas.

 This shooting took the lives of 26 people. 

 This shooting... Isn't being politicized? 

Well there's a reason why. 
This article holds the events that happened in that church where 26 people lost their lives. 

Everyone is pulling up reports of mental health and the failures of the Air Force left and right. 

Here and there are articles that hold records of things that people yearn to see. 

However, this articles holds the events that happened that unfaithful day in sutherlands, Texas. 

This article has real accounts from real witnneses. 
This is a short summary of what happened: 
 26 people lost their lives to a single person with an assault rifle. The gunman targeted children, Couples, the elderly, the young, those who had days left...and those who had life barely given to them. 



This sparked an outrage of people who wanted to express their views on gun control. 

Some wanted it enforced so that no one will repeat this horrific scene again.

Some want to make sure that there is going to be less deaths with more guns.

This is all being  referenced to the 2nd amendment.

This is the article:https://www.cbsnews.com/news/texas-church-shooting-survivors-devin-patrick-kelley-shot-crying-babies/