Tuesday, April 30, 2013

BLACK MAIL ( vanessa de la cruz)

Thousands of Australians received a numerous amount of   emails, chats, and text message of being threatened to be killed. All the  messages stated that the people who received a message for them, had to  pay a certain amount of money stated or someone would come and kill them. T he police say that they have never seen such a abundance size of death threats. The messages said read exactly how this is here, "Sum1 paid me to kill you. Get spared, 48hrs to pay $5000. If you inform the police or anybody, death is promised." These messages also included a web page where the victims could go and pay the amount requested. A surplus of people indeed informed the authorities and were promised that they would be unharmed. It was said that the elders or the uninformed of new technology would be the ones, that would possibly send the money not knowing another reason for outcome. I am truly concerned for these citizens I really hope they are kept safe and unharmed. If I would have received that message I don't know what I would do, I would in complete shock.

Solar Suitcases - Elvira Gamboa

In Nigeria many women are having trouble giving birth and their babies are dying because of lack of reliable electricity. When the lights go out births either have to be lighted by flashlight, lamps, or flashlights, delayed until morning or women are turned away. Because of this Stachel made suitcase kits that have solar powered plates on it and lights to light births. More efficient ones have been made and now they are being spread to other area in the world.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/02/28/health/cnnheroes-stachel-solar-power/index.html?hpt=wo_bn3

Piles and Piles of Sheep! - Iris Hughey

On Thursday night in Laverton North near Melbourne, a truck carrying nearly 400 sheep was driving on an Australia overpass when it tipped over. It sent the poor animals tumbling down on shocked drivers below. Only one person was hospitalized, but the sheep were not as lucky. Less than 10 of the nearly 400 are expected to survive; animal welfare officials said  the road was littered with dead and dying sheep. "We looked up and we could see the truck flip on its side and then the next minute, we were underneath and yeah, raining sheep doesn't happen everyday," said Kristy Davis, a witness.
I think it's so sad that of the estimated 400 sheep aboard that truck, less than 10 are expected to survive. I also hope that the person who was hospitalized is alright.

Link: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/01/world/asia/australia-sheep-deaths/index.html

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tsunami Debris Found in California by Sydney May

Sydney May

     Recently, in California, debris from the Japanese tsunami 25 months ago washed up. It was a boat, not the big kind, but a motor boat, covered in barnacles and algae. It is the very first confirmed piece of debris to wash up in California, but at least 25 others have come to other parts of the United States. They traced the boat back to a high school in Japan, translating the writing on the side. It was Takata High School, a part of an area that was totally destroyed. It's crazy that something like that traveled that far across the world and stayed in one piece! This article was written by Douglas Main, and was very factual. I did not sense any bias, and I think that this article was written for anybody who is interested in tsunamis or just could be interested at all in the information on this specific one. I hope that things are going better for them over in Japan and that we can help them as much as we can.


A Cyclone Headed Towards Australia By:Zaria Chambers

A cyclone watch has been issued for north Queensland. Meteorologist predict that there will be strong winds and an enormous amount of rain. A deepening tropical low in the Coral Sea is expected to hit Lockhart River around the  noon time. The cyclone has been moving towards Lockhart river at six kilometers an hour.

This is very scary. I hope that the people take cover and try to evacuate from the area. I hope that no one gets hurt by this strong cyclone and that there wont be a tremendous amount of damage to the area.


"Sum 1 Paid Me To Kill You" by Madeline Ibarra

On Sunday, thousands of Australians were bombarded with emails, chats, and text message threats of death. The message stated that if the person who received the message and did not pay the amount stated, that someone would come to find them and kill them. Authorities say that they had never seem a threat on such a large scale across such a distance. The exact message read, "Sum1 paid me to kill you. Get spared, 48hrs to pay $5000. If you inform the police or anybody, death is promised." Along with the initial threat, the message also contained an email address on Yahoo where the money could be sent through. Police informed people to delete and avoid these messages and that no harm would be done. It has been said that senior citizens and people unfamiliar with computers and technology would be the people who were most intimidated and likely to fall for the message.
I can't wrap my mind around how the criminals obtain so many peoples contact information all across Australia. If I were to have gotten that message, I would first be scared, but with all the pranks and forward emails, think if off as a joke. I feel terrible for the thousands who got the message and were just terrified. The police should have an easy time tracking down the criminals with email and phone evidence from so many people.

source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/23/tech/australia-death-threat-text-messages/index.html

Australian Rape- Kennedi Mayes

An Australian tourist was raped in her villa in Bali by an Indian man. Police are still searching for the man. The woman was on vacation with her family that was staying at a resort. The woman says he broke into her room while she was sleeping and kept her at knifepoint and raped her because she had nothing in her safe, then he stole three Ipads, two phone and $150.

This is the second rape case of a foreigner in India in the past few months and it isn't usually common for foreign women to fall victim of attacks like this in India. I hop justice is brought to the situation and they find the man and no more attacks happen.

My Source:

Pay Up or Die -Hadassah Lai

Thousands of text messages have been sent to thousands of residents in Australia with a threatening message. Police agencies across Australia have been notifying the residents about these death threats text messages. They are telling the people to delete the messages immediately upon receiving it and to not panic, since it will give the scammer a perfect opportunity. The police were surprised by this style of spam. They said that there was no other scam that has reached that many people in Australia in the matter of a few hours. The message reads: "Sum1 paid me to kill you. Get spared, 48hrs to pay $5000. If you inform the police or anybody, death is promised." It then directs the recipient to contact them at a Yahoo email account.

I find this so interesting. I think that the elderly will be the ones to fall for this scam since they don't know much about technology. If this happened to me, I would immediately delete it and forget about it because scam happens so much these days.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/07/23/tech/australia-death-threat-text-messages/index.html

Missing Teenager Reunited With Family by Corsica Steding

A teenager in Melbourne disappeared for more than 24 hours.  Madison Murphy went missing last Sunday afternoon, due to an argument with her mom.  Not wanting to spend another night in the cold, she showed up at the police station and had an emotional reunion with her parents.   Apparently she slept in the stairwell of an apartment building Sunday night.  She said that she left because she "really couldn't take anything anymore," and that she was sorry to everyone that she "freaked out".

Sophie Cousins wrote this article today for Nine News.  Before reading this article, I knew that this has happened many times before where a teenager runs away for a short amount of time.  I hope that her relationship with her parents improves, and that some of her stress that comes from her parents is relieved.  I'm also glad that she was okay after being alone on the streets for a night.


Children's Speech Problems Ignored- Margaret Canady

A study published in the "Child: Care, Health, & Development Journal" has found that half of pre-schoolers with delayed language skills development do not get the professional help they need. The study by the Murdoch Childrens Research Institute in Melbourne, Australia followed 900 pre-schoolers.

Children with communication problems that do not get the help they need are at the risk of problems associated with behavior and mental health as well as long-term educational issues. Professor Melissa Wake is worried about kids with "low language skills", since it is sometimes difficult to notice the language delay and give it sufficient attention. She emphasizes, "There is a need for greater action. But it isn't always that obvious. Children with low language are not children with no language."

The study shows that speech problems are often, ironically, "silent disabilities". They are under-recognized and under-prioritized. On the other hand, some children who do not need help are sent for unnecessary assistance by their parents.

Parents should be urged to take their child to a professional to be evaluated for speech problems. This way, children who need help will be able to get it, and children who do not need help do not get "unnecessary assistance". I didn't realize early speech problems can put children at risk for mental/educational problems in the future. Hopefully parents reading this article take the study seriously and get their children assessed.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-news/national/parents-ignore-speech-problems-study/story-e6frfku9-1226631787467

1 Plane Crashes, Another Belly Lands in LA County by Tristam Vowell

A small airplane crashed in a mountain area of California on Monday. The crash ended as an emergency landing and three passengers on board survived, landing on the plane's belly on a golf course. There are more passengers that died, and firefighters were quick to find the three still alive with minor injuries. They were rescued in good time due to their quick acting.
I think that every time a plane crashes, it just must be horrible for the families of those who died.
 KTLA News

3 new planets could host life-Noe Perales

Scientists announced Thursday the discovery of three planets that are some of the best candidates so far for habitable worlds outside our own solars system and they're very far away. NASA's Kepler satellite, which is keeping an eye on more than 150,000 stars in hopes of identifying Earth-like planets, found the trio. Two of the planets, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are described in a study released thursday in the journal science . they are part of the five planet system in which he candidates for like are the farthest from the host star.

Killed By A Snake Bite :( by Lucy Hinderliter

An Australian hockey player got bitten by a supposedly harmless snake at first, but he did not seek medical attention thinking that the snake was just a harmless python. The 26-year-old man went out jogging and soon died because his active running caused the venom to circulate through his body faster. Supposedly the man tried to get rid of the snake by picking it up and throwing it at a bush protecting children at a hockey training field.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/australiaandthepacific/australia/10020013/Australian-killed-after-deadly-brown-snake-bite.html

Mother Forced Her Daughter To Get Pregnant -Megan Darlington

A cruel mother forced her 14 year old daughter to have the fourth child she could never have. The mother had already adopted 3 children and when she wanted her fourth the adoption agency turned her down. This made her force her young daughter to get pregnant. The daughter willingly agreed to to it because she thought it might make her mom love her more. Her mom was put in prison for child cruelty. I think this is really sad that a mom could ever make her child feel that way and make such a huge sacrifice for a selfish want. http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/mother-in-uk-forced-14-year-old-to-get-pregnant/story-fnet08ck-1226631901344

Australia's Apology to Over 100,000 Mothers Forced to Give Up Their Babies by Corran Nolan

The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, apologized to the about 150,000 mothers that had their children forcibly taken from them during the 1950s to 70s. The children were then put up for adoption by many local political structures, such as the church and Government. This practice was originally designed to take children away from mothers deemed 'unfit' to care for the child, however the Australian Prime Minister called this "cruel and immoral" during the apology. Many people thought the apology was a long time coming, including many of the mothers who were victim to this practice. However, natives of New Zealand probably cannot expect an apology form their government for the same thing.
The view of the author of this article is that the practice of taking children away from their birth mothers is horrible, and is glad for the apology. This article is important because it shows that governments can think a policy or law is good at one point, then decide that it is unfair, bad, or immoral. It shows how the mindsets of even just a few generations apart are very different.

Source: http://worldcrunch.com/culture-society/australia-apologizes-to-150-000-unwed-mothers-forced-to-give-up-babies/australia-adoption-julia-gillard-tony-abbott-apology/c3s11241/#.UX8YU7WG2Lw

Radio DJ will attend inquest on nurse suicide- Amanda Cervantes

One of the Australian DJs who prank called a nurse back in December who worked at the hospital where the dutchess of cambrige was staying due to morning sickness.The two Djs called pretending to be the Queen and prince Charles. Three days later the nurse who took the call commited suicide.
One of the DJ's is planning to attend an inquest where she will answer questions on her involvment in the death.


Australians Overboard- TeeDee Simons

Australian authorities ended their search after a boat off the coast of Indonesia flipped over which was carrying a large amount of people. Australian naval ships rescued 55 people west of an Indonesian island, but sadly authorities say that some probably perished in the sea. Australian authorities also say that the boat was carrying asylum seekers to Australia from various Indonesian islands.
My source: http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/31/world/asia/indonesia-vessel-distress/index.html
This article was written by a CNN wire staff in Australia. I feel really bad for the people who were not rescued from the boat accident. The people on the boat were seeking for a better life in Australia and it was cut short because of engine trouble.

Cyclone to hit Australia? - Hannah Kalan

A cyclone that is predicted to form on Tuesday April 30, may or may not occur. It would bring some rain and stormy weather towards the territory however it's not likely that it will do much more than that. Currently, the storm is a tropical low about 1000 kilometers off northeast Cairns in the coral sea, but as it makes its 1000 meter journey, it might dwindle down to nearly nothing than a few showers.

You can read the full artcile HERE!

Hundreds of sheep strike cars after crash in Australia - Jack VanGorden

After a truck carrying nearly 400 sheep tipped over an overpass last Thursday night, the helpless animals landed on drivers below. A witness says, "we looked up and we could see the truck flip on its side and then the next minute, we were underneath and yeah, raining sheep doesn't happen everyday." Only one driver was hospitalized but only ten of the sheep survived the fall. Animal welfare officials say the road was covered in dead sheep. What a strange incident! It's not everyday that a sheep will land on your car. The incident is funny but also tragic for the hundreds of sheep that died.


Australian News, daughter in UK is forced to get pregnant by mom. By- Anneke Davis

A UK woman forces one of her 3 adopted children to get pregnant and have a child. The woman had moved to the UK from Australia, (divorced) and adopted 3 children. After being told she wasn't allowed to adopt a fourth child the mother took things into her own hands. She went online and bought donor sperm hoping to inject it into her 14 year old so she could have a child, then planning to raise the child as her own. After SIX failed attempts the 14 year old finally had a baby boy, and the mother immediately took over the child. The hospital was noticed of this and told the authorities who's now arrested the woman who now serves 5 years in jail for child cruelty.

expectant mum

(picture source same as article source)

I am honestly disgusted in this story and I cannot believe someone would do this type of thing to their children! People can be so sick and selfish they'd go to extreme measures to get what they want not thinking about how it will affect others and their lives. That woman should have got a life sentence in jail because she basically ruined this child's life forcing a 14 year old to experience something that NO 14 year old ANYWHERE should have to go through. And the poor child will never ever know its father, and most likely be put up for adoption. I am appalled.

Source: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/parenting/mother-in-uk-forced-14-year-old-to-get-pregnant/story-fnet08ck-1226631901344

By- Anneke davis 

Australian artwork put on Paris muesem rooftop by Amaria Stern

Leading Aboriginal artist, Lena Nyadbi, was asked to create a piece to be put on the rooftop of Paris Muesem, Musée du quai Branly. Lena Nyadbi is a contemporary artist in Western Australia who created a black-and-white painting called Dayiwul Lirlmim. She says it was inspired by her mother's homeland. The reproduction will be put on the 700-square-meter rooftop terrace, and with a satellite, will be able to be seen from space. The project is in progress and is planned to be revealed on June 8. The muesem is dedicated to displaying the arts and cultures from Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas. It will also be able to be seen by those who visit the Eiffel Tower every year.

I think it is wonderful to have foreign art displayed in countries around the world. It really does allow people to see the beauty of other places in their own homelands.


Regulators may pursue charges against U.S.-based asset manager MRI- ayla huff

Regulators may pursue charges against U.S.-based asset manager MRI

In Tokyo, Japan regulators are in the act of inspecting the U.S.- based MRI international incorporation of its registration and thinking of press criminal charges against the firm. The reasons for this act that have been expected are poor managing of client funds and creating false reports. The Japanese investors are trying to do everything they can to save their career, even chasing returns while the interest rates are at rock bottom. In the starting of the scandal regulators beefed up their checks and covered up huge losses of the company such as the $1.3 billion of pension fund money lost.


Body believed to have drifted from N Korea found on Akita coast- ayla huff

Body believed to have drifted from N Korea found on Akita coast

In Akita on sunday a police man's dead body washed up on shore and suspected of floating in waters from North korea. On the coast of Oga, Akita at 2 pm a ferry captain while stroling along the coast happened to run cross a floating object about 100 meters off the shore away in the distance. when the ferry man aproached the object he was apauled to find a dead body. Its not a question of why he ended up on the coast of Oga, but whether he was murdered and why. When the police arived at the secene they found the man with a silver case full of pictures of the fromer leaders of the people of The Republic of Korea. Whats most interesting was the orange secerity vest, the same one found on a different man who washed up on shore in Niigata on Saturday. Where these killings intentional or a mere accident?

Bangladeshis Burn Factories to Protest Unsafe Conditions- ayla huff

Bangladeshis Burn Factories to Protest Unsafe Conditions

Recently in Dhaka, Bangladesh thousands of workers raged through the streets of industrial areas. In a sudden fit of anger they decided to protest with violence and it even went as far as the smashing of vehicles with bamboo and setting fire to two of the factories. The reporters say the protest is against the unsafe conditions of the factories that the workers have to work under. Saddly this apauling event did more harm then good by leaving 900 of the workers and civilians dead or missing. Even after this tragic accident tens of thousands of workers still roam the streets in protest. Will the buildingh be rebuilt or will they be shut down completely are the questions we are all asking. I found this story very interesting and cannot wait until I find out more of this story. I hiope they rebulid the buildings better and more efficent for the workers.


Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Plane, Boeing Dreamliner Takes Flight in Japan for the First Time in a While By: Nina Bharadwaj

     The plane, Boeing 787 Dreamliner, took flight on Sunday from an airport in Tokyo. This has been the first flight in Japan since safety issues have been added to the Dreamliner. Japan had allowed people to continue flying the aircraft in Japan on Friday. This was told by officials. Nippon Airways authorities said that the official test flight was on Sunday.
     The Dreamliner left the Haneda Airport in Tokyo on Sunday morning. Nippon officials boarded the plane along with the chairman, Shinichiro Ito, and Ray Conner, the CEO of Boeing Commercial airplanes. The plane safely landed after around two hours, said Boeing. Boeing stated "With the successful completion of today's flight, Boeing will continue to work closely with airline customers in Japan and other countries on ... modification work to safely return additional 787's to flight in the coming weeks." This flight has marked a special occasion in Japan. Although, this aircraft was not the first Dreamliner to fly since problems appeared. Airlines in Ethiopia flew passengers from Nairobi, Addia Ababa, to Kenya. This happened on Saturday.
     About 50 Dreamliners worldwide have been unable to fly for a greater time period than three months. This is due to the fact that two accidents on aircrafts (that had been worked on by Japanese airlines) had forced the battery systems to be called into question they blamed these accidents on the battery machines. The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration made fixes to the battery system, last week, and in an online post on Thursday they announced the changes they made in order for the aircraft to take air.
     In fact, the next day, All Nippon and the airlines in Japan (the largest Dreamliner corporations) had started to install changed lithium iron to their 787 jets. The new use of light materials to improve fuel economy has allowed it to be a big seller in Asia as well as the Middle East. This is where long flights cost for most airline businesses.
Analysis: The author of this article, Yoko Wakatusi, wrote this article to inform us on the improvements that Japan has made on something  huge. This is for all audiences so that we can take note on how progress has been made on something and that people are fixing mistakes. The main idea of this article is that the Dreamliner 787 has taken flight in Japan, and Boeing assures that more 787's flights will return in the coming weeks. There is no sense of bias in the article. Everything is just facts and statistics.
I think it is amazing that so much progress has been made. I like how people are taking action about a problem and not just sitting around waiting for others to fix the problem. I am glad that this test flight worked out safely because it proves that if we put our minds to something then we will great good results. I hope that we can keep this attitude towards other future projects.
Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/27/travel/japan-dreamliner-flight/index.html?hpt=ias_c2

Hannah Menchu - "Burmese Bin Laden"

Buddhist monk Wirathu insists he is a man of peace. Never mind his nine years in prison for inciting violence against Muslims. Never mind that in the new Burma, the man dubbed the “Burmese bin Laden” has emerged as the spiritual leader of a pro-Buddhist fringe movement accused of fueling a bloody campaign of sectarian violence.  Last week my blog was about Buddhist monks participating in beating Muslims.

Wirathu has become the figurehead of a virulent strain of religious nationalism being spread by some of the most venerated members of Burmese society, Buddhist monks. Their core message is that Buddhists must unite against a growing Muslim threat.  Such monks provide an ideological justification for the religious violence that has ripped through Burma over the last year.

What is really scary is that Wirathu said “If they knew my true ideas, they would call me saviour.”   Any body that thinks he is a savior is scary to me, and probably dangerous because he feels like he is justified in doing anything, even hurting others.  


New Zealand Murderer Loses Appeal-Molly Paley

                   In May of 2011, Elliot Turner strangled his then girlfriend Emily Longley, killing her. He was convicted last May and was given a life sentence. His attorneys argued that evidence used in the case was obtained illegally. The judges dismissed the argument in five minutes. Turner's parents were also convicted and sentenced to 27 months in jail for perverting the court of justice. His parents got rid of a confession letter Turner wrote and took away crucial evidence for the case in attempt to save their son. I think this story is awful; it is terrible to hear about innocent people who's lives have been taken. His conviction is rightfully deserved; he committed a heinous crime.


Building Collapses in Bangladesh by Elaine Hennig

Savar, Bangladesh- At least 340 people died in a building collapse near the capital. Others are trapped under the rubble, and at least 600 still remain missing. Rescue efforts continued into the fourth day, which was beyond the 72-hour deadline when authorities said efforts would be switched from rescue to recovery mode. Supplies of fresh oxygen, food, and water were supplied to those still alive but trapped. Authorities will decide Monday whether to switch to recovery mode. 4 people have been arrested and held partially responsible for the incident. Rescuers hope to continue efforts until everyone has been found, dead or alive.

I think it's a good thing that rescue efforts continued even though they weren't originally supposed to. It's important that everyone is found, especially since there are so many still missing. Hopefully they can keep everyone alive that is still trapped and eventually rescue them. Maybe with the arrests, they will find out what caused the building to collapse in the first place.


Explosion in Karachi by: Rachel Devine

     Last Friday, an explosion in Karachi, Pakistan killed 8 people and injured more than 20. According to the police, the target of the blast was a meeting of the Awami National Party, an anti-Taliban liberal political party. Earlier in the week, another anti-Taliban group, Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM), was the target of another blast; Taliban spokesman Ihsan Ullah claimed responsibility for it. "The government failed to provide us with security," said MQM official, "These coward attackes can't demoralize our workers... We will defeat the Taliban by providing education to people."
     This article saddens me because it just goes to show how much conflict is surrounding us. I wish all the violence and bombing would stop and that we could just live in harmony.


Dreamliner-Faith Barnes

In Tokyo, Japan a Boeing 787 Dreamliner took off Sunday Tokyo airport, the first such flight in Japan since safety issue grounded the dreamliner fleet. On Friday Japan authorized passengers to start flying the embattled plane. It left Tokyo's Haneda Airport in Sunday mourning it left with a group of All Nippon engineers  the airline's chairmen. The plane landed about two hours later without incident. It was not the first Dreamline to take flight since the problem first surfaced.


Terrorist Attack Kills 21-Alyssa Hamilton

In China an event involving axes, knives, at least one gun, and the burning of a house has left 21 dead. It is the deadliest violence that they've seen since July 2009. The dead include Nine residents, six police and six ethnic Uighurs. They aren't sure how many were burned to death but the government officials are positive that this was a terrorist attack, and that the group that is responsible was a gang.
Hopefully they can figure out who is responsible and can detain them, my prayers go out to those who lost family members.


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Australia Reflects on Gun Control by Sylvie Lednicky

With the controversy going on in the U.S. right now regarding gun control, former Austrailian primeminister John Howard offers a bit of insight. Their country had a similar incident to Sandy Hook when one gunman shot down thirty five people in the late '90s. Now, in Australia, there in a ban on automatic weapons. Howard says that although Australia had lower gun rates to begin with, the laws have helped them tremendously, and we should consider itt. I agree with Howard on this matter, some restrictions on who can own guns can't hurt the murder rates.


Indian police arrest second suspect in rape of 5-year-old By: Halle Van De Hey

       In this article Jethro Mullen and Aliza Kassim of CNN talks about the arrest of a second suspect in the rape of a 5-year-old in India. Kumar, the girls neighbor, was accused of abducting the girl on April 14th, locking her in his home, and raping her repeatedly, until she was found three days later, barely conscious. Doctors had to remove several objects from the girls genitals, but she is now stable. Many people are protesting. They want the police commissioner to resign from his position because he is not keeping the people safe. 48,338 child rapes were reported between 2001 and 2011.  

      I think this is terrible. I can't believe that so many kids have been raped. They need someone to help protect them. I don't think their police are doing a good job. It's scary to think that things like that happen every day, and they can happen to anyone. I hate that we have people in this world who would do something that terrible. I pray for al of the families affected and hope they can find their way back from this tragedy.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/22/world/asia/india-child-rape/index.html?hpt=wo_bn4

Friday, April 26, 2013

theres a spy? / makayla sifuentes 8th period

A grand jury indictment alleges that Marta Rita Velazquez. she was a former legal officer at the U.S. Agency for International Development.she received orders from the Cuban Intelligence Service, helped pass documents about U.S. defense to Havana and helped a spy for Cuba obtain a position in the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. the author wrote this article to show what people can do and how they can turn against not only people but their country. Author: Catherine E. Shoichet Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/25/us/cuba-espionage/index.html?hpt=us_c2

Obama / makayla sifuentes 8th period

Last August, Obama issued a stern warning to Assad. If he used chemical weapons, Obama said, even if he moved them in preparation for use, he would cross a "red line" that would have "enormous consequences." Before that, Obama had already declared that the regime would be "held accountable" if it made the "tragic mistake of using those weapons," a warning he repeated last month during a trip to the Middle East. Obama wants to make sure that one other countries try to mess with ours. he wants to protect it and keep it strong. The author wrote this article to show us how much Obama cares and takes pride in our country. Author: Frida Ghitis Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/25/opinion/ghitis-syria-chemical/index.html?hpt=us_c2

kidnapping / makayla sifuentes 8th period

Texas executed Richard Cobb on Thursday for the 2002 abduction and killing of a man outside of the town of Rusk, southeast of Dallas, the state Department of Criminal Justice said. Cobb was convicted of kidnapping Kenneth Vandever. He was 37 years old, during an armed robbery at an convenience store and then shooting him and leaving him for dead in a field. Cobb was the fourth person to be executed in Texas this year. The author wrote this article for people to be aware of what others are doing in this world. the author didn't want this incident to happen again, and to let us know that the person has been captured and is now in jail. Author: CNN Staff Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/25/us/texas-execution/index.html?hpt=us_c2

Drones / makayla sifuentes 8th period

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed the measure restricting drones from the Florida Sky on Thursday, saying it will protect the state's residents from "unwarranted survelance." They are doing this because Drones are a very powerful and helpful type of plane. they can kill people from a very high distance instantly. They no longer want innocent people being killed or shot to death by mistake. Source: http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/25/us/florida-drone-law/index.html?hpt=us_c2Source: Authors: Joe Sutton and Catherine E. Shoichet

Boston / makalyla sifuentes 8th period

The date of April 19th Boston had experienced a bombing that hurt a massive amount of people! These people were participating in a marathon when a bomb a stroke. This tragedy effected many lives in negative ways. The U.S. was determined to figure out who and why this person would do such a thing. The U.S soon found out and told the citizens to stay calm and to stay out of the streets of Boston. The author wrote this article to inform all of America what is exactly going on in the world today. This article is important because we as the people are being informed with society. Author of article: Michele Stanner Source:

America get ''fracked'' / Makayla Sifuentes

America should start using more natural resources for a healthier and cleaner earth. Scientist have found that not only humans benefit from this, but so does the atmosphere. There would be less of pollutants and more natural gases flowing through the air. This would also help the plants and other crops grow faster and healthier. America needs to come to an end of pollution and be more wiser with their choices!This can help our ozone layer of the Earth so much if each and everyone contributes to their part. This article was written to show people what they are doing to this world. The article just wants people to be more aware of their actions and careful next time they decide to pollute the Earth! The authors of this article are Phil Radford and Mark Ruffalo. source:

To Galaxy and beyond By Daizha Lankford

Today April 26th, the Samsung Galaxy S4 is released into mobile stores all around India!! The people are highly excited to have such a new technological device ! Many other countries have shown signs of remorse but everything will be ok

What will happen next ? By Daizha Lankford

This Past Sunday around 35,000 runners prepared to run the London Marathon. The marathon twisted through the great sights of London, but this marathon was different then planed. Since the terrorist attacks made on the Boston Marathon this week officials are stepping up security. Police are trying there best to cover the 26.2-mile race, and their main concern is to secure the start and finish where people are more densely packed. Also, the people in the marathon are thinking about the bombing in Boston. Before the race they had a moment of silence for the victims of Boston, some runners were wearing black ribbons for respect, and London Marathon has pledged to pay $3 to “The One Fund Boston”. This is a great, way to help our victims.

The leaders are gone by Daizha Lankford

Two Syrian Orthodox bishops remain missing two days after being kidnapped, with each side in the civil war blaming others for the snatching.The whereabouts of the two prominent clergymen, Greek Orthodox Bishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Bishop John Ibrahim, remain unknown, despite some reports to the contrary.There have been several kidnappings of Christian clergymen in Syria but the two bishops are the most senior church figures who have been abducted since the beginning of the uprising.The opposition and the government each blame others for the kidnappin

They all fall down by Daizha Lankford

This Wednesday an eight story building collapsed right outside of Bangladesh, killing at least 80 people and injuring thousands. Six hundred people were taken to the hospital in Savar and Dhaka near where the building collapsed. This commercial building housed three garment units and over 300 shops. Some videos showed people pleading to be rescued like a women called Sakhina said "Please retrieve us... save my life." A
doctor at the hospital even said some of the people were found without arms and legs. This has not been the first time a building has collapsed, in 2005 a major building collapsed where more than 70 people were killed in a garment factory. There have been many other incidents with buildings killing people near Bangladesh.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

H7N9 virus 'one of the most lethal so far'-Jamie lerman

A new bird flu was found to be spreading right outside of China. The H7N9 virus is reported to be one of the most lethal that doctors and medical specialists have had to face in recent years. They think that this virus is a lot more easy to transmit  from poultry to humans than other viruses, like the bird flu outbreak of 2004-2007.
It's very scary for an outbreak to occur, and hopefully they can stop the spread of it before it reaches too many people and harms them. 

Deaths, injuries in Afghan quake-Jamie lerman

In the earthquake that hit Afghanistan, at least nine people were killed. and more than 100 were badly injured. The spokesman for Nangarhar, Ahmadzia Abdullzai, said that among the causalities were many children and wide spread damage was done to the building structures around the area. The earthquake was measured with a magnitude of 5.6.
It's awful that this happened, and that there were so many causalities. Hopefully they can rebuild and stabilize the buildings and structures around the area, and come back from a natural disaster.

Japan OKs Dreamliners to fly again-Jamie Lerman

After modifications necessary for the Dreamliner aircraft's to start flying again were made, the planes were authorized to start flying again. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration posted online Thursday that they had the okay to start flying their aircraft again. even though they have the authorization, they still don't know when they will actually start to fly again
I think it's good that they made the modifications necessary for the aircraft's to start flying again, even though it's unclear the reason (to me at least) it's good that they solved the problems.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

On Edge Over Violence- Ausia Jones

             Latest fighting leaves four police dead and two more injured in Mosul. Gunmen control Sulaiman Pek after 19 people are killed there. Three soldiers are killed at a checkpoint in Kirkuk. Violence began when 51 people were killed in clashes between Sunnis and security. I feel like the violence is getting worse around the world and needs to stop. 

Kidnapped Syrian Bishops Remain Missing- Ausia Jones

        Two Syrian Orthodox bishops remain missing two days after being kidnapped, with each side in the civil war blaming others for the snatching.The whereabouts of the two prominent clergymen, Greek Orthodox Bishop Paul Yazigi and Syriac Orthodox Bishop John Ibrahim, remain unknown, despite some reports to the contrary.There have been several kidnappings of Christian clergymen in Syria but the two bishops are the most senior church figures who have been abducted since the beginning of the uprising.The opposition and the government each blame others for the kidnapping. Another bishop tells the Vatican news service that money, not politics, is the motivation. I hope they find the bishops and they are not harmed.


Bangladesh Building Collapses by Graysha Assoun

This Wednesday an eight story building collapsed on the outskirts of Bangladesh, killing at least 80 people and injuring thousands. Six hundred people were taken to the hospital in Savar and Dhaka near where the building collapsed. This commercial building housed three garment units and over 300 shops. Some videos showed people pleading to be rescued like a women called Sakhina said "Please retrieve us... save my life." A doctor at the hospital even said some of the people were found without arms and legs. This has not been the first time a building has collapsed, in 2005 a major building collapsed where more than 70 people were killed in a garment factory. There have been many other incidents with buildings killing people near Bangladesh. 
I think the solution to this problem is to build more sustainable building that won't collapse under pressure. 


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Same-Sex Wedding in Tokyo Disney Park - Lysette Barrera


Koyuki Higashi and her partner Hiroko have been together for one and a half years, and finally tied the knot in March. Not only was it an extravagant celebration straight from a fairy-tale,  but it was the first same-sex wedding to take place in the Tokyo Disney theme park. The wedding plans included a Christian-style ceremony and even a romantic gondola ride.
The Disney company has allowed limited same-sex celebrations in places such as banquet halls for a while, but only recently began offering full wedding packages with elaborate ceremonies and Disney characters.
There were some issues, such as the girls receiving a request to have one girl wearing a tuxedo, limiting the other park  visitors' discomfort. This was quickly resolved when the organizers at the resort hotels that run Tokyo Disney issued an apology, and granted complete freedom to the formalwear choices. There was apparently a misunderstanding between the staff over the requirement for dresses.

Suicide Blast in Pakistan By Graysha Assoun

At least five people were killed with 37 wounded in a suicide blast in Pakistan on Tuesday night. This suicide bomber blew himself up near a military checkpoint in the Balochistan province. This cause nearly a dozen shop and two houses to be destroyed and, unfortunately, there was no immediate claim for responsibility. Pakistan has strong presence of military control has been under large amounts of violence near the Afghan border. This suicide attack was near the nation's elections of the month. Pakistan is undergoing a lot of panic and stress from many events including this bombing.


Man threatens to blow up babysitter's apartment because his child was injured. After the father found out the child was injured at the babysitter's home he threatened to blow up all the apartment and kill all the people inside it. Fortunately the police together with the bomb squad got to the apartments before the man did. They stopped him and no one was hurt. He was arrested.


BY: ruby aguilar

  • Author:  Who created the article?  fox 4 news. What do you know about the author? write about important current events.  What is the author’s point of view? third person.
  • Place and Time:  Where and when was the article produced?  April 23, to inform people. How might this affect the meaning of the article? recently happened not all the information.
  • Prior Knowledge:  What did you already know about the subject of the article, prior to reading the article? did not know about it.  How does this affect your understanding and interpretation of the article? kind of silly.
  •  Audience:  For whom was this article written? the people of the community.  Is it a positive or negative influence on that audience? negative.
  • Reason:  Why was this article written? to inform the community.
  • The Main Idea:  What point is the article trying to convey? don't try to do silly things.
  • Significance:  Why is the article important? alerts people.  What conclusions can you draw from this article?  not all people think before acting. How is this document relevant to our lives today? silly things over small things.

life in prision for starving son to death, By: ruby aguilar


Jonathan's remains were found in an Ellis County Creek last spring he died summer 2011. Aaron Ramsey age 35 father of Johnathan was fond guilty by the Dallas County Jury and will spend life in prision. Elizabeth Ramsey Jonathan's mother also faces charges.


BY: Ruby Aguilar

  • Author:  Who created the article? fox 4 news.  What do you know about the author?  write about important events. What is the author’s point of view? third person
  • Place and Time:  Where and when was the article produced? April 23.  How might this affect the meaning of the article? might have more information as time passes by. 
  • Prior Knowledge:  What did you already know about the subject of the article, prior to reading the article? had not heard about it.  How does this affect your understanding and interpretation of the article? new to the article.
  •  Audience:  For whom was this article written? people interested in knowing what happens around them.  Is it a positive or negative influence on that audience? negative
  • Reason:  Why was this article written? inform people
  • The Main Idea:  What point is the article trying to convey? you will get serious consequences 
  • Significance:  Why is the article important? informs the people.  What conclusions can you draw from this article? child died from starvation.  How is this document relevant to our lives today?   parents will do anything

Frustration Over Rape in India by Graysha Assoun

After gang rape of a 23-year-old student dead, a national outcry over the mistreatment of women. After many rapes there have been many protests ignited in New Delhi. One major case concerned a five-year-old being raped by two men in New Delhi. Authorities say the little girl was abducted, locked in a house and raped repeatedly. They found her semiconscious three days later. When this girl went to the hospital, doctors found foreign objects in her genitals. The problem in India is that authorities cannot provide protection for this young girl as well as other cases. The girl's family even declared that the police bribed them to be quiet about the case. Protestors are becoming angry alleging corruption and ineptitude among the police force. Then, later on, a Delhi police officer was taped pushing a female protestor on Friday, which caused more outrage. Even a police officer named Dengle said "Things have not improved." Many more cases have proceeded and most natives are not optimistic in the future of prejudice gender issues. On a given week, sexual violence appears daily. Most cases are reported attacks on women and children. Earlier this month, India's president signed a law creating harsher laws on rape, even introducing the death penalty for repeat offenders. Children are not safe and even vulnerable. Many girls don't feel safe walking to and from school and going to public restrooms. The Asian Centre for Human Rights reported that child rape cases went from 2,113 cases in 2001 to 7,112 in 2011 in India. Rape violence is a big issue in India.
Because of the big issue in sexual violence, many attempts at trying to fix this problem have been brought, but slow progress has been shown and they seem far away from achieving their goals. This ties in with the previous article with Js Verma trying to stop sexual violence in India. This is a big issue that is not only sad, but imperative to change for a safe, healthy country.


Irving Custodian got a 14 year old girl pregnant, BY: ruby aguilar


Irving ISD custodian impregnated a 14 year old girl. And still giving her pills to cause the baby's death. The 14 year old gave birth in a portable restroom on an Irving soccer field. The police found out about the sexual assault when the young girl was taken to the hospital over the weekend because of bleeding.

BY: Ruby Aguilar

India's Judge Js Verma dies by Graysha Assoun

One of the top judges in India passed away, at the age of 80, near the capital, Delhi. Unfortunately, Js Verma died of liver failure and abdominal problems this Monday. Before his death he was working on reducing sexual violencein India. Verma's panel received favorable feedback with 80,000 recommendations and wide consultations around the world. Mr. Verma was a very respected man, even the prime minister said Verma as a "man of vast understanding and knowledge of law." New anti-rape laws were submitted containing harsher punishment for rapists. Js Verma also headed India's National Human Rights Commission, where he went to violent places such as Gujarat and helped protect people form the riot leaving over 1,000 people dead. Mr Verma was called, by The Indian Express newspaper,  the "face of judicial activism." 
Even though Mr Verma died, tragically, he is still respected and appreciated for his good work on sexual violence in India. 


Monday, April 22, 2013

Canada thwarts "al Qaeda-supported" passenger train plot

Canadian police said on Monday they had arrested and charged two men with plotting to derail a Toronto-area passenger train in an operation they say was backed by al Qaeda elements in Iran.
"Had this plot been carried out, it would have resulted in innocent people being killed or seriously injured," Royal Canadian Mounted Police official James Malizia told reporters.
The RCMP said it had arrested Chiheb Esseghaier, 30, of Montreal, and Raed Jaser, 35, of Toronto in connection with the plot, which authorities said was not linked to last week's Boston Marathon bombings, which killed three and injured more than 200 people last week.
Neither is a Canadian citizen, and police did not reveal their nationalities. Two sources following the investigation said one of the two was Tunisian.
Canada's spy agency has long expressed concern about the possibility that disgruntled and radicalized Canadians could attack targets at home and abroad.
Police gave little detail about the alleged plotters, but said a tip from the Muslim community had helped their year-long investigation.
Esseghaier has been a doctoral student at the Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique near Montreal since 2010 and was about midway through his degree, the school said.
"He is doing a PhD in the field of energy and materials sciences," Julie Martineau, the school's director of communications, told Reuters.
A bail hearing for the two will take place in Toronto on Tuesday morning.
Malizia said there was no indication that the planned attacks, which police described as the first known al Qaeda- backed plot on Canadian soil, were state-sponsored.
U.S. officials said the attack would have targeted a rail line between New York and Toronto, a route that travels along the Hudson Valley into New York wine country and enters Canada near Niagara Falls.
Canadian police said only that the plot involved a VIA train route in the Toronto area. VIA is Canada's equivalent of Amtrak and operates passenger rail services on track owned primarily by Canadian National Railway Co.
New York Police chief spokesman Paul Browne told Reuters that the NYPD and Commissioner Ray Kelly had been kept informed of the investigation from "early on."

Website: http://news.yahoo.com/canada-thwarts-al-qaeda-supported-passenger-train-plot-003741856.html

Police in India Arrest Another Suspect in This Five-Year Old Rape By: Nina Bharadwaj

     On Monday, said a police officer, the police in India haze arrested another man that was connected to the rape of a five-year-old girl, in New Delhi. This second man has been accused of helping this man harass the child. This has caused protests. This man is being transferred to New Delhi from Bihar, in east India. Police official, Rajan Bhagat, has said this man will be questioned and have DNA tests to prove that he involved in this case.
     Apparently, the first arrested man, named Manoj Kumar, told the police about this second man that should also be arrested. Kumar happened to be the neighbor of this girl. The story is that he abducted her on April 14. He then locked her in his home and maliciously raped her, leaving her nearly unconcious. The rape was so bad that doctors had to take out pieces of candles and a small container from the girl's private part. She is not doing very well, at the moment.
     If that story isn't bad enough, the police also happened to bribe the victim's parents' to keep the case to themselves, but that is a whole separate case.
     This assault happened just a mere four months following the gang rape of a twenty-three-year-old, that was a physiotherapy doctor in the making. This women had died, in a Singapore hospital, due to the terrible beating of these men. This attack caused many protests regarding women's rights' and the cruel treatment of women. This made officials think about the thousands of cases that had happened in the years. Now, this case is making people think about the treatment of children, especially girls.
     The Asian Center For Human Rights stated that according to numbers, about 48,338 cases of child rape had been reported in India in the years of 2001-2011. This number has greatly increased from 2,113 (2001) to 7,112 (2011).
     The case of the five-year-old caused many protests in New Delhi in the beginning of last week. Many of these protestors are part of the anti-corruption political party. The leader is Arvind Kejriwal. The Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh calls the issue "shameful."
Analysis: The authors of this article, Jethro Mullen and Aliza Kassim, wrote this article to inform us about a terrible issue in India that has been prolonged for sometime and that is now having repercussions as now people are protesting. It is written for all audiences because we should all know what tragedies are happening around the world. It helps us learn about equality in other countries because in the U.S, all most of us know is that women and men are treated equally, as opposed to learning about the cultures of other countries. The main idea of this article is that a second suspect was found that has been involved with this rape. The family of the victim were bribed unsuccessfully to keep quiet about the case. This has caused protests about equality, everywhere in New Delhi. There was no bias, just facts about what has happened.
I think that this is awful. I don't understand why people have to harm others, especially little kids that probably don't know what is happening to them. They are so innocent, yet this incident will have caused them to be scared for life. If I was in New Delhi, I would surely be protesting because this is not right. I feel that there needs to be more protection for everyone so that this does not happen again. I don't understand because this already has happened once. People should have learned their lesson by now about protecting people, as opposed to just sitting around and letting young girls be harmed.

Rape of 5-Year-Old Causes Protesting by Madeline Ibarra

A 5 year old girl was abducted in India last Sunday and found in her neighbors house yesterday semiconscious. The little girl was allegedly raped by her neighbor, who is now in custody and will be seen in a court tomorrow. This man will not have the option of bail. The young girl is now recovering in a New Delhi hospital after being found Wednesday on the ground floor of her building. Doctors say that she,"  is stable, conscious and alert". Upon arriving at the hospital, doctors said they,  "had to remove foreign objects, including candle pieces and a small bottle, from the girl's genitals".  This event sparked protest all around India about protection of women and children from incidents such as this. In the past, there have been many similar cases with all kinds of age groups. To this, India's Prime Minister, , Singh said, "The gruesome assault on a little girl a few days back reminds us once again of the need to work collectively to root out this sort of depravity from our society."

Ew. Just why. I can't wrap my mind around how horrible and discussing it is to do something like that to a young and innocent girl! Sure this may happen in America sometimes as well, but in India, this is a constant problem. Hopefully the protesting will push the government so quickly take action to protect the citizens from more problems like this.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2013/04/21/world/asia/india-child-rape/index.html

"America Made Me Feel Unsafe" -Hadassah Lai

Among the three that were killed in the Boston Massacre was a Chinese student, Lu Lingzi. This has saddened the hearts of the parents, since the one child per family policy leaves them with no children after Lu's death. The father has stated that he once thought that America was a land of promise and let alone safety. After this incident, Parents wait to pick up their children at Yucai Northeast High School in Shenyang, China -- the school that Lu Lingzi, the Chinese victim of the Boston Marathon bombing attended. The parents stand next to billboards listing the names of top American schools where alumni won scholarships. 

I feel for the parents. Losing their only child, and their only hope to carry on their legacy is devastating. I hope they find peace, and they can look at whatever positive side that this tragedy can bring about. I can't imagine to lose my only child.

Source: http://behindthewall.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/04/22/17862168-despite-boston-marathon-tragedy-chinese-still-dream-of-us-education?lite

Tsarneav Charged with WMD by Tristam Vowell

The famous Dzhokhar Tsarneav, conducter of the Boston Marathon bombing, was charged with use of "weapon of mass destruction". This kind of classification directlyleads with charges on high class terrorism which in the American law isn't even liable to have his maranda rights read to him. Often times this is punishable by the death sentence, which in this case is undoubtedly what will happen, although the court has not yet made public that decision.
I feel like the families of all the runners need our prayers, as well as Dzhokhar himself, that by the time his life is ended, he will have made himself right with the lord and repented.
Personal experience: My dear friend Dajin Faulkner was a in the building next to the one where the security guard was shot at the time, praise the lord he's alright.
 Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Almost Mission Impossible (vanessa de la cruz)

Last saturday there was a major earthqauke, that Chinahad to  put up big rescue group to operate in Sichuan province. Thousands of people were injured and some passed in the process. Workers had to use large equipment and even explosives in order to get through blocked roadways. These areas were hard to get to because of bad weather and lrage aftershocks. More than 11,500 people were injured and approxamiltley 18,000 police officers and soldiers were sent out to also join in the mission

Kerry Visits Afghanistan's Karzai and Pakistanis - Emma Hernandez (:

U.S.A's Secretary of State, John Kerry, pays a visit to Afghanistan's Karzai and Pakistanis. They'll be discussing with the hope to calm down the tension between borders and a flagging peace process. Secretary of State, John Kerry has confirmed to host this gathering
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry wipes his eyes after a meeting with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at the EC headquarters in Brussels April 22, 2013. REUTERS/Yves Herman 
"Our U.S Secretary of State, John Kerry wipes his eye after a meeting with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso at the EC headquarters, April 22."  (Credit: Reuters/Yves Herman 

Afghanistan has been very frustrated with Pakistan recently over trying to reach peace. The process between Afghanistan and Pakistan in achieving peace also includes the Taliban. This gathering that Kerry has hosted is to allow the end of NATO-led combat operations. Kerry said this is the year of transition. Many U.S officials are hoping Kerry will have a good relationship and acquaints with the Karzai., that way both of the parties can be negotiate and come to an agreement.  Depending on the negotiating they will be able to have with the other parties the United States will see how many troops of soldiers in the country. It all depends in the negotiating with Afghanistan and the U.S.

Hopefully they will come to an agreement soon that everyone will like. Both parties will hopefully
 have a negotiating that will benefit both Afghanistan and United States, and our Secretary of State will have a good relationship with the Karzai, that way we will have peace between both of us.

SOURCE: http://in.reuters.com/article/2013/04/22/afghanistan-pakistan-talks-kerry-idINDEE93L0DB20130422

Birds Killing The World!!!! JOSELOPEZ 4th prd

Seventy patients are still hospitalized with the bird flue case in china. Right now only Eastern china has mainly been affected. About 102 cases have been seen there with about 20 deaths so far. There's not much information about the causes of this disease but the world Health organization is conducting  
an investigation about this disease. Later information will be given to the public about this weird disease.

Analysis-I think that birds are going to take over the world and kill us and take over the world. Not really but that's my analysis.


Boston marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev charged in hospital bed_breanne moreno


On Monday, while dzhokhar tsarnaev was in his hospital bed after being wounded from the Boston Marathon bombing, federal prosecutors charged him as a suspect. Tsarnaev is only 19 years old and he was suspected of carrying out the attacks with his older brother, but he was unable to speak because of his throat injuries he got from shoot outs with police. Police captured tsarnaev Friday night to cap a violent week of blasts, shoot outs, lockdowns, and one of the largest manhunts in U.S history. His older brother, Tamerlan tsarnaev, 26, died after a gunfight with police early Friday morning. Boston went back to normal by monday, a week after two bombs exploded at the crowded finish line of the city's famous marathon road race, killing three people and wounding 176. Ten of the injured lost limbs.

dancer is determined to dance again after losing her leg in the bombing, By: Ruby Aguilar

                  ht dancer survivor nt 130422 wblog Dancer Who Lost Foot in Boston Marathon Bombing Vows to Take to the Floor Again

        This hopeful dancer, and dancer teacher Adrianne Haslet. Was with her husband watching from the sideline the Boston Marathon. When the bombs exploded they sat up, but asking her husband to wait because her foot was hurting. She looked down only to see that her leg was destroyed and no longer had a left leg. She has not lost her spirit and proudly says ''I absolutely want to dance again.'' And thanks to the advance in technology doctors say she WILL dance again.

BY: ruby aguilar

  • Author:  Who created the article? ABC news What do you know about the author? write about important news  What is the author’s point of view? third person
  • Place and Time:  Where and when was the article produced?  April 22.  How might this affect the meaning of the article? it is current therefore might be ore information
  • Prior Knowledge:  What did you already know about the subject of the article, prior to reading the article? I knew that a lot of people were injured at the bombing.  How does this affect your understanding and interpretation of the article? being a dancer, i feel inspired because after what she has been through she has not given up
  •  Audience:  For whom was this article written?  people interested in learning about the bombing  Is it a positive or negative influence on that audience? positive, shows hope
  • Reason:  Why was this article written? to inform the reader about the bombing impact
  • The Main Idea:  What point is the article trying to convey? technology is advanced, if you try you will conquer 
  • Significance:  Why is the article important?  shows how the person was impacted What conclusions can you draw from this article? she will dance again  How is this document relevant to our lives today? inspires

Tea is the Cure... According to the Chinese Government by Corran Nolan

During the SARS Epidemic in China, one so called "cure" emerged as a supposed infection prevention for the disease; Ban Lan Gan, and herbal tea, then again during the Bird Flu Epidemic. This year, with the threat of the Bird Flu still looming over the population of China, many people are going Ban Lan Gan crazy. The reason for this is that the government is encouraging it as a cure to create a placebo effect in the population, believing that peace of mind is a good thing even though it has not actually been proven to prevent the disease. But does it actually work? Even though it has some anti-viral properties, it can also damage the digestive tract and the liver. So far the government of China has not stopped promoting the drug, and many people still believe Ban Lan Gan is the magical "cure-all" remedy for epidemics.
This article is important because it shows how early cultural ideas still affect the way people think today, and how world governments do what they think is best at the time, even though it may not be. The author's opinion is that the Chinese government should stop supporting Ban Lan Gan because it is hypocritical; the Chinese government has always supported transparency and scientific literacy, but they are not being transparent and promoting false scientific facts.

Source: http://worldcrunch.com/china-2.0/why-chinese-officials-are-prescribing-herbal-tea-to-ward-off-deadly-bird-flu/h7n9-bird-flu-epidemic-virus-flu/c9s11440/#.UXXtt7WG2Lw