Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Santa Fe

A sawed-off shotgun and a .38-calliber handgun.

Ten lives.

The state of Texas stands still.

The survivors of parkland still blacklisted as they urge the government for reform, while the public cry in every perspective(The Survivors Outbreak). Texas Greg Abbott calls off his shotgun giveaway as referenced in Mason"s article. Dimitrios sits in a Galveston jail held without bond.If convicted, he will not face the death penalty(CNN News coverage over Dimitrios).The Dallas Independent school district issues a district-wide campaign titled, "See Say Do Something" which commenced this pass Monday, May 21, 2018(See Say Do Something Outtakes).Which held a question panel between the Teen Board of DISD and a group of presenters, two who were representatives from the FBI and Homeland security, Safety expert Mark Herrera, and DISD Police Chief Craig Miller.

March for Our Lives was held in March.

The School Walkout was in April.

The 22nd school shooting took place in Santa Fe, Texas in May.

The victims whose lives were taken away were  Sabika Sheikh, Shana Fisher, Jared Black, Chris Stone, Angelique Ramirez, Christian Riley Garcia, Aaron Kyle McLeod and Kimberly Vaughan. Teachers Glenda Ann Perkins and Cynthia Tisdale.

All this begs the question,

What will happen in June?