Sunday, October 15, 2017

Harvey Weinstein - Avery Vance

Producer Harvey Weinstein has come under an extreme and essentially irrefutable amount of accusations of sexual abuse and assault. The accusations come from many, and I do mean many famous actresses along with several not so famous. The most disgusting thing about this situation is how much of a "known secret" it appeared to be within the Hollywood community. Regardless, Harvey Weinstein is already facing some of the consequences for his actions, such as being cut loose from the Weinstein company and being expelled from the motion picture academy.

I think this is disgusting and it's horrifying that potentially so many people have just let it happen. All that does is just add to America's rape culture and that's a travesty in and of itself. We have to stop stuff like this so that everyone can feel safe and comfortable in their work environment and that people in a position of power aren't allowed to abuse said power.

DISGUSTING! New Massive Allegations Expose Years of Abuse! Explaining The Harvey Weinstein Scandal

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Test post- Jose alonso

Howdy Mrs. countryman this is my successful test post.
sorry this was 1 six weeks late.
i promise to do better

Monday, October 2, 2017

Valerie Garcia- Michelle Obama slams women who voted for Trump

During a talk at a market meeting in Boston Michelle Obama was talking about the women who voted for Trump. 41 percent of women voted for Trump in November. Michelle said that the women who voted for Trump voted against their own interest. She went to suggest that women only voted with him to go with the pact.
I agree with Michelle because everyone knows what Trump did to those women. I wouldn't understand why women would vote for him after all that bubbled up to the top. If i was able to vote i know i wouldn't have voted for him. I think is important to know where Michelle stands on this because she was the last First Lady. I feel like women need to open up more and actually speak their mind and not just go with the pact.

Valerie Garcia- Tom Price Resigns

Tom Price resigned from being health secretary because he was using $51,887.31 of the tax payers money for his own travel cost. Trump brought in Price to help write a new health care bill to replace the Obama care. Trump does publicly point out that he is not happy with Price. He would take private charter flights when cheaper commercial flights were available. When Price was in office he was worried about making the tax payers spend more than they need to and not even acknowledging what he was doing. 
This is signification because it shows that powerful people our using are hard earned money on things they don't need to use. when need to know what people are using our money on and way. That money could have gone to all the places the hurricanes have hit. I am glade he resigned but i fell like he needs to give us our money back.

Valerie Garcia- Las Vegas Shooting

On October 1st during a concert a 64 year old man opened fire on a strip of crowed people in Las Vegas. He was on the 32nd floor of  a Las Vegas hotel. They are calling it a "lone wolf" act and that he did it just to do it. They found 17 guns in the room and a semiautomatic guns to allow shooting. At least 59 people were killed and 527 injured. All of the injured were rushed to the hospital either buy the police or other people at the concert. It is the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S history.
Before this the deadliest mass shooting was the shooting at Orlando, Florida, killing 49 people. Honestly, I'm so sick of hearing about these shootings and bombings in the new. You would think after the first time something like this happened we would ban guns and not let it happen again. In my opinion i think we should ban guns because any person could buy a gun and do this again and again as we've seen. This 64 year old man was just an average person and even the guy at the gun store didn't see any red flags when selling the guns to him.  Then he goes and starts a mass shooting all by himself. I hope we can take away from this and start to make some changes.