Sunday, October 15, 2017

Harvey Weinstein - Avery Vance

Producer Harvey Weinstein has come under an extreme and essentially irrefutable amount of accusations of sexual abuse and assault. The accusations come from many, and I do mean many famous actresses along with several not so famous. The most disgusting thing about this situation is how much of a "known secret" it appeared to be within the Hollywood community. Regardless, Harvey Weinstein is already facing some of the consequences for his actions, such as being cut loose from the Weinstein company and being expelled from the motion picture academy.

I think this is disgusting and it's horrifying that potentially so many people have just let it happen. All that does is just add to America's rape culture and that's a travesty in and of itself. We have to stop stuff like this so that everyone can feel safe and comfortable in their work environment and that people in a position of power aren't allowed to abuse said power.

DISGUSTING! New Massive Allegations Expose Years of Abuse! Explaining The Harvey Weinstein Scandal


  1. I don’t understand how something like this could even get covered up. I hope we can shine some light on this and not let this be unheard.

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