Tuesday, April 23, 2013

life in prision for starving son to death, By: ruby aguilar


Jonathan's remains were found in an Ellis County Creek last spring he died summer 2011. Aaron Ramsey age 35 father of Johnathan was fond guilty by the Dallas County Jury and will spend life in prision. Elizabeth Ramsey Jonathan's mother also faces charges.


BY: Ruby Aguilar

  • Author:  Who created the article? fox 4 news.  What do you know about the author?  write about important events. What is the author’s point of view? third person
  • Place and Time:  Where and when was the article produced? April 23.  How might this affect the meaning of the article? might have more information as time passes by. 
  • Prior Knowledge:  What did you already know about the subject of the article, prior to reading the article? had not heard about it.  How does this affect your understanding and interpretation of the article? new to the article.
  •  Audience:  For whom was this article written? people interested in knowing what happens around them.  Is it a positive or negative influence on that audience? negative
  • Reason:  Why was this article written? inform people
  • The Main Idea:  What point is the article trying to convey? you will get serious consequences 
  • Significance:  Why is the article important? informs the people.  What conclusions can you draw from this article? child died from starvation.  How is this document relevant to our lives today?   parents will do anything


  1. wow! that is so sad! They deserve to go to jail.

  2. That's disgusting that a thing like that would happen

  3. Why do people do these awful things to other people. Not just people but CHILDREN for Pete's sake! Children are helpless little things who don't realize that what their cruel parents are doing is wrong. This is what disgusts me.
