Monday, April 29, 2013

Killed By A Snake Bite :( by Lucy Hinderliter

An Australian hockey player got bitten by a supposedly harmless snake at first, but he did not seek medical attention thinking that the snake was just a harmless python. The 26-year-old man went out jogging and soon died because his active running caused the venom to circulate through his body faster. Supposedly the man tried to get rid of the snake by picking it up and throwing it at a bush protecting children at a hockey training field.



  1. That's extremely sad that he died trying to protect the kids, but very heroic.

  2. This is really sad and kind of a bitter death. He died trying to protect children from the snake, and he was killed quicker by the poison since he was running. People should make sure to get any kind of snake bite checked out.

  3. So sad! Hopefully people will hear about this and learn to get their bites (whether they be from snakes, spiders or any other animals or bugs) checked out right away.
