Monday, April 29, 2013

Cyclone to hit Australia? - Hannah Kalan

A cyclone that is predicted to form on Tuesday April 30, may or may not occur. It would bring some rain and stormy weather towards the territory however it's not likely that it will do much more than that. Currently, the storm is a tropical low about 1000 kilometers off northeast Cairns in the coral sea, but as it makes its 1000 meter journey, it might dwindle down to nearly nothing than a few showers.

You can read the full artcile HERE!


  1. I hope the hurricane doesn't form because I know they can cause a large amount of damage.

  2. I also pray that there won't be too much destruction from the possible storm. Even better, I hope it'll be a false alarm and that the hurricane won't show up.

  3. Storms like this form all the tie and never cause more than a rain storm on shore. Hopefully it will not reach Australia with full force but with minimal and no harmful impact.
