Sunday, April 21, 2013

Hannah Menchu - Mobs in Burma kill 43 People

Mobs in Burma Kill 43 People, Monks Join Violence, Police Watch

Violence between Buddhists and Muslims in Burma is spiking.  The BBC has obtained police video showing officers standing by while Buddhist rioters attacked minority Muslims in the town of Meiktila.  The footage shows a mob destroying a Muslim gold shop and then setting fire to houses. A man thought to be a Muslim is seen to be on fire as police just watch and others yell to not help or give him water.  It was filmed last month, when at least 43 people were killed in Meiktila.

Later the video shows a Muslim man chased out of hiding and beaten by Buddhists, even a Buddhist monk joins in the beating.  It is believed the Muslim died.

I guess if the man had been Buddhist he wouldn't have been killed.  Just because a person has a different religion, or no religion, is a horrible reason to hurt someone, let alone kill them.  And I always heard Buddhists were peaceful.  I guess some aren't.


  1. It's awful that the officers didn't do anything to stop the violence.

  2. I can't believe that the officers didn't do anything! That's unheard of

  3. I agree with Elaine it is awful that the officers didn't do anything to stop the violence.

  4. It's awful that a thing like that happened and that the officers didn't do anything
