Monday, April 29, 2013

3 new planets could host life-Noe Perales

Scientists announced Thursday the discovery of three planets that are some of the best candidates so far for habitable worlds outside our own solars system and they're very far away. NASA's Kepler satellite, which is keeping an eye on more than 150,000 stars in hopes of identifying Earth-like planets, found the trio. Two of the planets, Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f are described in a study released thursday in the journal science . they are part of the five planet system in which he candidates for like are the farthest from the host star.


  1. Dude that's so awesome... What if there was another NOE on each planet? 4 Noe's is too many

  2. i think that would be cool. ill create a group and only noe's can join.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what if one of them was black :o

  5. he would be my favorite. a black noe.... what about an asian noe?
