Monday, April 29, 2013

Missing Teenager Reunited With Family by Corsica Steding

A teenager in Melbourne disappeared for more than 24 hours.  Madison Murphy went missing last Sunday afternoon, due to an argument with her mom.  Not wanting to spend another night in the cold, she showed up at the police station and had an emotional reunion with her parents.   Apparently she slept in the stairwell of an apartment building Sunday night.  She said that she left because she "really couldn't take anything anymore," and that she was sorry to everyone that she "freaked out".

Sophie Cousins wrote this article today for Nine News.  Before reading this article, I knew that this has happened many times before where a teenager runs away for a short amount of time.  I hope that her relationship with her parents improves, and that some of her stress that comes from her parents is relieved.  I'm also glad that she was okay after being alone on the streets for a night.


  1. This is so sweet. I feel for the parents when she went missing. So glad they found her!

  2. I am glad that this story had a happy ending. I feel so bad for the parents that have to go through the disappearance of their loved one. I guess some teens just have bad relationships with their parents. I wonder how many teens run away every day. I can't even think of ever leaving my family. Maybe the family can go to counseling or something because their relationship needs some fixing. I hope this is the last I hear of kids running away.

  3. When I saw the title, I though this girl was kidnapped or something. Even though it is sad that she was gone, it makes me much happier that nothing horrible happened to her and she walked out on her own.

  4. I'm so glad that the missing teen was reunited with her family.
