"The whole south is under water." Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe said while
describing the damage hurricane Sandy has done to the Caribbean. Haiti received
the most damage and has a number of about 51 deaths out of the 65 reported
deaths and the numbers are still rising. Haiti was drenched in three days’
worth of rain and most of the deaths occurred in Port-Au-Prince, where the houses
are still flimsy little sheds because of the earthquake a few years ago.
Following Haiti is Cuba with 11 reported deaths. Luckily, the rivers have been
reported to be receding again and people are hanging their things out to dry in
the sun and gathering their bearings. Several thousand homes have been damaged
and enough bridges have fallen down to leave towns stranded. Some towns in
Jamaica have even had supplies shipped to them because they have access to
It saddens me to hear about things like this and people can
do nothing about the terrible situation that they’re in. I send my condolences out
to the families that lost loved ones and pray that no one else will be lost
from this storm.
My source:
its tragic!!!!!