Monday, October 29, 2012

Musicians in Slums - Elvira Gamboa

Joao Carlos Martin made a program in Brazil where children in the favelas of Brazil have a chance to be better. They are aloud to practice an instrument and have free classes once a week. The classes help chidren have better lives and do better things. The article talks about a girl who is in the program, Yanca Leite. It also has information about different slums in the world.



  1. This is an amazing program im so glad its been able to impact the lives of those kids.

  2. This sounds like such a great program! Not only does it introduce an art form to these kids, but it gives them something to look forward to every week. Music can open up their minds and imaginations. Just by picking up one instrument, they can look beyond the slums towards a better life.

  3. Aw! Joao should be thanked for this. He is a great man to have used his time to create such a wonderful program!
