Sunday, October 21, 2012

Landslide kills children in Peru's jungle - Jack VanGorden

After a massive mudslide sent a mass of tree and rock debris into homes in a Peruvian jungle Wednesday, at least 11 people were killed. Several of the victims were children. According to the country's state news agency, ten more people are unaccounted for. So far, 6 of the 11 bodies are children and the residents are doing their best to help civil defense officials in finding others in the rubble that destroyed many homes in the area. However, the local river is causing trouble in this effort. Peru's government has sent humanitarian aid including supplies like tents and sheets. I hope that these citizens receive the help they need after the tragedy in their village.


  1. What a terrible natural disaster! I hope they are able to enter the area save some of the missing people. Hannah Menchu

  2. This is a horrible incident for the Peru village, as well as the families of those who died. What caused this landslide? Is it common? If it is, the government or leaders of the village should discuss setting up protective barriers to prevent the landslides. My heart goes out to the families.

  3. How terrible it must be for these people. It would be awful to loose your child or family member in a natural disaster. Even if it is nature, I can't help but hurt for them.
