Monday, December 3, 2012

Epic weekend-long traffic jam in Russia stretched 125 miles - Jack VanGorden

On Sunday afternoon on a main highway between Moscow and St. Petersburg, there was a major backup that created a traffic jam. Weather was to blame and cars sat motionless. When efforts to clear the highway were made, there was slow progress. The traffic began to accumulate Friday, after the heavy snowfall created a backup. According to videos and photos of the scene, people were stuck on the road for many hours, and eventually it was cleared out. I still can't believe that show could cause such a terrible traffic jam. I hope something is done to prevent this in the future.


  1. I feel sorry for all the people who were stuck in this traffic. It sounds unbelievable!
    Hannah Menchu

  2. This sounds REALLY boring for those poor people in the cars!!!! Hopefully they find a way to keep traffic from ever getting this bad again

  3. Thats crazy, I can't believe they were all stuck in that much traffic, and I hope everyone is ok.
