Sunday, December 2, 2012

The low-tech, high-design minesweeper By: Halle Van De Hey

The low-tech, high-design minesweeper

In this outstanding article George Webster of CNN talks about the new low tech minesweeper, created by Massoud Hassani. Hassani created this minesweeper because he grew up in an area where there were minesweepers everywhere. He made the minesweeper out of bamboo and biodegradable plastics to make it cheep and ok for the environment. It is composed of plungers that make it resemble a tumble weed. He designed the minesweeper so that it is big enough to withstand up to four explosions before it cannot be used anymore. Like anything put out into the world it is also getting a lot of criticism. People are saying it's not safe, it's not fool proof, and saying that it will cost too much. Hassani is aware of these problems and is actively working on ways to improve the design.

I think this is an amazing invention and with some changes in how it work I think this could be a great step in eliminating land mines all around the world. People like Hassani inspire me because they aspire to do anything they can to help others all around the world. I think that is a very admirable trait, and it is something I would like to show when I grow up. 


1 comment:

  1. If he fixes all of the problems, this could be a really impressive invention!
