Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bus crash by: Shadden Hashem

        An Ottawa double-decker bus plowed into a moving train on Wednesday September 18 at around 8:50 a.m., leaving six dead and at least 34 others injured. Investigators looked at several factors including whether the bus driver applied brakes, if the crossing signal worked properly and, more generally, what caused the collision.  They continue to search for clues of what could've happened. "Our job is to determine what happened and why," Laporte told reporters on Wednesday, "with the aim of ensuring that it does not happen again."
       This is not something I have ever thought about happening before. I'm glad that the bus company's safety board is really looking into this and that they are determined to find a solution.


  1. This is so sad! I ride the train and I can't imagine all the sudden the train smashing into a bus. I am also very happy that people are looking in to what happened. It is very important for that to never happen again.

  2. It really makes the authorities think about public transportation and the dangers. It could have been anything from a distracted driver to broken brakes!

  3. Oh my gosh! The government really should make more strict transportation laws so this like this can't happen. I'm really that everyone didn't die on that bus all at one time
