Saturday, September 14, 2013

Hot-Dog Vendors Rudely Sidelined? by Kera Mickus

Think of all the technological advances our society has made in the past few years. How apps have come so far as to protect your home, and webcams that allow you to speak with someone in another country. So it shouldn't be a surprise when a company creates an app that allows fans to grab a bowl of nachos, a hot dog, or a drink, at any time, from the comfort of their own seat.
Right. Like fans are just going to give up an age old tradition, in baseball or football, or whatever they're watching, of hearing a Hot- Dog Vendor selling food to the crowd? Except, they just might. You see, it's all about convenience. Mastercard has designed an app, currently being tested in Section 130 of Yankee Stadium, called QkR ("Quicker"), that allows the fans to order food, and have it delivered to their seats, all while they remain seated. Before, the fans would have to wait for a Hot- Dog Vendor, and hope he/she was selling what they wanted , or trek up the stairs to order what they wanted, and risk missing an important play. Some say the app is genius, while others are just waiting for the fans to reject it. Either way, the Vendors are probably not too thrilled at the idea of a machine taking their customers. So who's next? Who next will technology force aside?
I think it's a great idea since technology was created for this exact reason: convenience. It's just like ordering in from the comfort of your home, and can be a great help to people. And not only does it create convenience, it provides a new job for the ex-Vendors: running food to the customers. The article (by Rick Newman) that explained this was great at providing all the little deatils and either side of the story. It's interesting to see how far our tech has come, and also to see how it can affect our lives in some of the older traditions we carry.


  1. I think this is cool, but I do see how the world is slowly slipping more and more into a technology-driven world. I do think that you can have too much technology eventually, and we need to make sure that doesn't happen and we don't get too lazy to do anything. That end is creeping up on us, and it could be a very bad thing.

  2. this is terrible!!! I hate apps!!
