Monday, September 16, 2013

Yahoo News? By Madelyn Winkelman

BREAKING NEWS! Miley Cyrus's engagement is off, Carrie Underwood is wearing a corset that looks "sexy" for the revised version of 'The Sound of Music', Justin Bieber might be dating an old flame, and Crocs are making a comeback! That's what you missed this week in Yahoo News.

Earlier this week I was looking for something to write an article on, and other than the floods and Syria, which everybody else was covering, there was nothing else that seemed interesting to report on...except for the fact the Krispy Crèmes is going to make even more glazed donuts. But as I was going through the many pages of news the internet has to offer I noticed one common thing. Most of the stories where about seemingly pointless celebrity news, which made me wonder "why do we care so much about this?" Is it because we worship celebrates and wish to do what they do? Or do we view them as a welcome distraction from other issues? Wither it be our own, a friends, or the globes?


  1. I never have cared for other people much. I don't understand why someone would be obsessed over someone else's life.

  2. I agree with Max. I mean you don't even know these people personally and they don't know you so why care about their life?

  3. I think we spend too much time thinking about what somebody is wearing instead of actual issues

  4. Everything is about pop culture and I really don't understand why. I want to learn more about what's going on in the world, not what Justin Bieber is wearing!

  5. I find it excessive to. Occasionally it might be fun to read but most of the time, it just don't care. The only reason is because it was on the front page of my home which is MSN.
