Thursday, September 12, 2013

IPhone 5 vs 5C vs 5S (social/ economic) -Robert (Tobyo) Swofford

There has been some activity within Apple with new releases of the iPhone 5S and 5C. With the criticism from buyers about the iPhone 5 come with the 5S and C, the "S," with better hardware specs, and the down-graded 5C which is to have various colors for the case, but is made out of plastic insterad of metal.
Spec wise, the 5C and original 5 are the same, while the 5S has a faster processor and fingerprint scanner.
I see the logic Apple has with this; Apple's stock are a bit loopy and are strangely bought and sold at times that do not agree for prophet, however Apple manages to make it through. With the 5C, it starts at  $100 and $200 for the 5S. AND with the seasons coming around, this could be a market strategy to gain a ton of extra money; especially from the 5C since it is cheaper, it's more likely people will go for it (especially since there are various colors to choose from as well).
I really like this about Apple, they are making their really great quality product supremely more affordable, and can make a huge change to some peoples lives, creating more business opportunities and become more connected to everything, and everyone.

Nice going Apple!

link to news letter


  1. I think it sneaky and smart on Apples side. The come out with two phones at the same time just a couple of months before the holiday season. Well played Apple.

  2. yay!! color phones!!! I wonder if some idiot will try to "collect" all the colors...
