Saturday, August 30, 2014

Australia to be involved with war in Iraq by Jesse Dale

Australian prime minister Tony Abbott states that the United States has asked Australia to help aid in against Iraq with military equipment, such as guns and ammunition. They will also be joining other countries helping the U.S. with support and equipment. They could get there within days.

America asking other countries to aid them in war sounds like it's the beginnings of a World War III. The U.S. doesn't need to get other countries involved because that just makes war that isn't necessary, as every other war, become larger and larger until eventually the whole world is in on it and the whole world is at war. America started the war on Iraq, for no particularly good reason I might add, and we should be the ones to end it, not creating drama with everyone else.


  1. wow your thoughts are so good. good thoughts.

  2. I agree, the U.S. shouldn't be calling in more weapons from Australia. They should be working to promote peace in Iraq and end the war. To bring more people into it is unnecessary.

  3. I agree as well. Obama's defense for entering Iraq is to prevent anymore genocides and starvation caused by the extremists. It sounds like a pretty good reason, but I think what most people are worried about is having the military going back to Iraq and even possibly starting another war (ended 3 years ago). Let's hope it doesn't go that far.
