Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Wild Ride: Whitney Hester

While a driver was on the road he saw a dog run across the street. Slammed on his brakes to make sure he didn't hit the dog, but the dog was able to flee quickly. While stopping at a red light, he saw from his rear view mirror that the driver behind him was pointing to his car. He decided to investigate. The driver said something about a dog in the car. Causiously he opened his trunk to find a mixed female poodle in his grille!!! What a surprise!! He quickly took the dog to police who have confirmed no major damage to the poodle except for a concision and explosion of bladder. But all is well!
This story is pretty interesting!! It's hard to believe that that could really happened! I mean who would have thought that a dog gets stuck in the grille by running under a running car! Wow!! I mean talk about incovientient!!



  1. Wow! That's crazy! It's amazing that the dog still survived.

  2. It is incredible that the dog is still alive, but I'm happy she is.

  3. I'm so happy that the dog didn't get hurt!
