Monday, October 1, 2012

China Hacks Into White House Computers- Megan Darlington

Chinese computer hackers have successfully hacked into the White House's computer system. They used a system called "phishing". It is very common for people to attempt to hack into the computers, but very few succeed. Researchers don't know what the chinese opened, but they are assuming that the file had a link attached to it. The chinese sent an email and a man who worked in the White House opened it and the virus got on the computer.
This article was written by Jana Winter and published today, October 1, 2012. I think that this news is horrifying. I don't feel safe knowing that a country can just hack our White Houses computers! I think we need to come up with better software to prevent this in the future because this could ruin our whole country!


  1. This is really scary.. I agree with you Megan!

  2. I agree! Better software definitely needs to be implemented.

  3. just goes to show we will never be as smart as china, WOW
