Monday, February 25, 2013

And the death toll rises by Madeline Ibarra

It's sad to hear that yet another car bomb has gone off in Syria and killed dozens on Thursday. This bomb was targeted at Syria's leading government but was set off close to a Russian Embassy building causing major damage. The death toll was 53 with 230 other wounded and 17 cars burned. Most of the victims were civilians. The police say that they do not know exactly who was behind this blast yet.  This report says that, "The car bomb exploded just 65 feet away from the Baath Party building and damaged it, a resident named Mohammed said. Two schools are close by, and teachers phoned parents, asking them to pick up their children, he said. He did not want to give his last name because he was concerned for his own safety." This explosions was one of many on Thursday that killed a total of 210 people across the nation.
All I can really do is let my jaw drop. I feel like every week there is more and more deaths related to bombing, gun violence, and war. Not only is this issue escalating in the Middle East, it is becoming a serious problem here on home ground. I feel like we could maybe be an influence for them. By preventing violence and taking serious action when the crime is done, we should begin to promote a more peaceful life style. So many deaths every week is just a moral problem!



  1. It seems like the violence in Africa is never ending.

  2. This is a very big problem. I wonder what is causing people to do this to innocent civilians.

  3. Violence now seems to be a very common thing. What has this world come to?
