Monday, February 11, 2013

Attackers Kill 3 in Nigeria- Iris Hughey

Three doctors working at a hospital early Sunday morning were shot and killed, police said. The North Korean doctors were serving at a hospital in Nigeria's northern Yobe state. Authorities say 10 suspects are under arrest. The group, whose name means "Western education is forbidden", has referred to itself as the Nigerian Taliban and seeks to overthrow the government and replace it with a regime based on Islamic law. This killing followed another killing of medical workers that was on Friday. Nine health workers were killed then -- I hope this doesn't turn into a large series of killings! :(



  1. That's just downright wrong. Doctors are the ones who save lives yet their own numbers are decreasing in some countries with each passing day.

  2. I agree, they are saving people and this is how they are repaid? Its sad. -Taylor Marsh

  3. I agree as well, this is so terrible. I can;t believe they would be treated this way after everything they have done to help.

  4. Wow. So terrible. Stop the killing!
