Sunday, February 17, 2013

Kidnappers in Nigera By:Zaria Chambers

On Saturday in Jos, Nigeria seven foreign construction workers were kidnapped. One Italian citizen, one Greek citizen, and two Lebanese citizens were kidnapped. Authorities also way that a Briton was kidnapped as well. The construction workers were taken Saturday night from the offices of Setraco. This company helps build major road projects in Nigeria. Authorities said that the gunmen killed a guard at Setraco camp before kidnapping the workers. Nigeria has seen a lot of killings and kidnappings because of criminal groups.

This article is very sad. I hope that these construction workers are found and that the people behind these killings and kidnappings are found. I hope that rate of killings and kidnappings will go down after these men are caught.


1 comment:

  1. I can't even imagine being a member of one of the families of a construction worker involved in the kidnapping.
