Monday, February 11, 2013

North Korean Physicians Killed In Nigeria by: Madeline Ibarra

Early Sunday morning, three North Korean physicians were killed in a hospital in Nigeria's Yobe state. The physicians were in Nigeria under a government agreement to assist at Potiskum General Hospital. The killer(s) have not been confirmed yet but 10 people have been arrested due to suspicion. "At this point we cannot say if they are Boko Haram, hired killers or common criminals, but we have cordoned off the area and are in the process of interrogating them," Commissioner Sanusi Rufa'i said. Boko Haram is an Islamic group that is known for attacks in northern Nigeria. The name Boko Haram means "western education is forbidden". The groups main goal is to overthrow the government and replace it with rules who support and enforce Islamic law. This attack is one of many that have been occurring to medical workers. On Friday, nine doctors, eight female and one male who were working on a polio vaccination, were killed in Kano, Nigeria.

It's scary to think that there are groups out who want to shut down or kill workers and people influenced by Western way of life. The Islamic group has killed those people because the go against what they believe in. I know that some people are very grounded to what they believe in, but that is pushing it too far. I hope that the medical teams and Western people stay safe during this time in Northern Africa.


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