Monday, April 20, 2015

Freedom of Speech Taken Away From a Middle School Girl?

At the request of her Ohio middle school principal, Sophie Thomas’ ‘Feminist’ shirt was digitally edited to appear all black, reportedly to avoid controversy. Consequently, one middle school class photo is getting a lot of attention — because of what it doesn't include.

Eighth grader Sophie Thomas wore a black t-shirt that had the word “Feminist” in silver for a recent picture day at Clermont Northeastern Middle School in Batavia, Ohio. Yet when the girl, sitting in the front row of assembled students, saw a copy of the photo last week, she was devastated to find that the word “feminist” had been photo-shopped out of the picture.

This is very wrong because the United States has given everybody freedom of speech, which cannot be taken away. I'm just surprised that this sort of thing happened today, when so many people are so tolerant of other people's beliefs, instead of back in the sixties when there was the civil rights movement and all that jazz.


  1. I agree it does take away her freedom of speech, but I can also see why the principal requested it to be removed. It could cause some negative responses from other parents or students and it was something the school didn't want to be responsible for.

  2. I agree with Trevor here, it shouldn't have been removed. Even if it were to cause negative reactions, the people reacting negatively have no right to; it's her shirt. Freedom of speech is important, especially for students who need the confidence that being able to say what they feel and think gives them in order to prepare for the future, where what they feel and think becomes what changes they make to the world.
