Sunday, February 3, 2013

Hannah Menchu - Gambia Four Day Week

Yahya Jammeh gives Gambians an extra day off

The country of Gambia has changed to a four day work week. Fridays are now a no-work day. President Jammeh says the extra day off will give Gambians more time to pray, socialize and farm. It does seem weird that schools will be closed on Fridays as well but be allowed to open on Saturdays to "compensate" for the lost day.

Gambia's president has shown himself to be eccentric.  In 2007 President Jammeh boasted he could cure HIV-Aids in three days by using secret herbs.

I am not sure how well the three day weekend will work for Gambia but I would like it.


  1. Why would they do this? I wouldn't like this, it makes things too confusing

  2. So kids are out Friday instead of Saturday or both?...
    -Kennedi Mayes

  3. It is funny to see other country and what they do.
