Monday, March 24, 2014

The Poor Babies By: Hannah Kerman

In China, parents everyday are giving up their children because they have diseases. A Baby Hatch in China, has had to shut down because they were receiving on average 5 babies a day. These Baby Hatches were opened to help infants with diseases that parents essentially didn't want. Many couples go to the city expecting to help their child find a cure, but end up dropping them off at the Baby Hatch. Currently, there are 25 located around the country, and the people who run them closed one of them to start focusing on helping the babies in their care.
I think that it's awful that the only reason parents are giving up their kids, is because they have disabilities. It's not the babies fault that they're sick, and parents should love their children no matter what. It must be terrible to be a child growing up in an orphanage knowing that they were given up because they're different.


  1. Gosh! I would feel so confused and sad all of the time if I was one of those kids.

  2. This is terrible. Unfortunately, I think one of the reasons these parents give up their children is because, in China, you're only allowed one kid. Most people in China have very traditional beliefs, too. So if you put those together, you get two parents who wanted a smart, obedient, basically perfect child to have more perfect children in future generations, but they got a disabled child that they don't think could do everything right in school or as an adult because of their disability. This is a bad state of mind to have, but based on what I've learned about Chinese people, this could be the case. I hope people start realizing that they can't get a perfect child no matter how hard they try, whether it has a disability or not. They need to accept their children and love them as they are.

  3. wow this is really sad how little these people care about their own children, i hope the orphanages care for them well
