Sunday, March 23, 2014

Left To Die - Max Gaddis

Families in China that are overwhelmed with taking care of babies with diseases have left them in Baby Hatch centers. This is an alternative to abandoning them on the streets to die. People abandon them because they have health problems that cost too much money to fix or take care of like cerebral palsy, down's syndrome, and various heart diseases. The city of Guangzhou has had to temporarily shut down their "baby safety island", as it is called in Chinese by the people in Guangzhou, because of too many babies. They receive as many as five babies a day, and over the past couple of months, their numbers have grown. They now have 252 babies, which is much more than they expected and isn't a number they can comfortably function at. They have already expanded once, but can't accept any more babies until they figure out how to expand or accommodate the babies they already have.

I think that people shouldn't have kids if they don't intend to keep them. People need to think before they plan on having kids, especially if birth defects and diseases run in their family.


  1. I disagree with your opinion. Instead if looking down on these people for creating a problem, I feel really sorry for them and the dreadful poverty that so many Chinese people are suffering through that doesn't allow them to keep their children, who they probably do love. This just encourages the idea that something needs to be done to help.

  2. There is always alternative to leaving your baby. There are people in America who have to deal with there kids having a disability and don't have a lot of money to spare but they find a way. Granted this is another country but there is always more than one choice when it come to issues like theses.
