Monday, March 17, 2014

Malaysian Plane By:Hannah Kerman

It has now been 10 days since the Malaysian aircraft went missing. Apparently they turned lost all contact between Malaysia and Vietnam. Countries have joined together to look for the aircraft, but it would be like looking for someone anywhere between California and New York. Ships have searched the surrounding area of where they last had contact, but there have been no signs. There are multiple theories as to what happened to the plane, but we don't know the real story. There was no sign of a terrorist attack, unless the crew were the terrorists. There were two guys that got on board using someone else's passport, but they have looked at their background and nothing suspicious has shown up.
This is so weird. I really want to know what caused the transponder to go off. The craziest thing is that the whole world is looking for a missing plane, while someone here knows the truth. There had to have been someone in charge if it was terrorists. There had to be some reason that the flight attendants didn't contact anyone on the ground to say something was happening. This is really weird, and where in the world would you hide a plane if it was terrorists. If it was at a hangar someone would know or one of the people would call someone. Again, this is so weird.


  1. I agree that this is almost more odd than scary. I mean, of course it's scary, but it doesn't seem as scary since none of us have experienced it before. I find it extremely odd that the plane just suddenly disappeared and is now nowhere in sight. I hope we find the passengers and crew soon, and that nothing terrible happened to them.

  2. I'm going with either some of the passengers being terrorists, using things around them to hold up the plane, or one of the pilots going rogue.
