Friday, August 30, 2013

Women In India - Max Gaddis

Women in India are being raped and even though they are the victims, court is making them out to be the ones responsible for the incident. A reporter said that when she went to testify against the men who raped her, their lawyers asked her questions that made it seem like she was the one responsible for those men's actions, and the judge didn't stop them. She described it as "demoralizing" and a "toxic experience". There was another case where a woman of a low-caste (a caste is a way of organizing people by class. This woman would be "lower class" in America) was gang raped while protesting against child marriage ( ). The judge basically denied that this would ever happen in broad daylight and dismissed her case. That woman got no justice.

I honestly think this is the worst thing ever and this should be stopped in some way. Not by the US government (we've meddled too much all ready), but by the people of India (not just the women) and by the world.


  1. Does the Indian government know about this, and are they trying to stop it?

    1. They know about it because they are giving the judges power to dismiss "foolish" cases, and they don't really care because most of the government is made of men.

  2. that is terrible, what are the judges doing with the men? Like are they sending them to jail or not?

    1. No, they are not sending them to jail because India is a patriarchal society in which men rule.
