Monday, December 1, 2014

Are we close to finding an HIV vaccine? by Vern Blossfeld

Summary: A trial conducted in 2009 in Thailand may have the key to finding an AIDS/HIV vaccine. The trial included over 16,000 volunteers, the largest trial held for a vaccine against HIV. One vaccine tested showed protection. "That trial was pivotal," says Dr. John Mascola. "Prior to that, it wasn't known whether a vaccine could be possible." Another such pivotal discovery has been that patients regularly taking their antiretroviral treatment reduce their chances of spreading the disease by 96%. A vaccine remains essential to combat the epidemic.
Analysis: The development so far in HIV research has been slow but progressive. With scientists and doctors like Mascola working to find a cure, a vaccine could be discovered soon! It's also nice that the amount of people being newly infected has gone down. Hopefully it stays that way! This connects to World History in that it's a disease that doesn't have a cure, and is effecting the nation worldwide.


  1. I agree, it's definitely a slow but developing treatment. It's a good thing that there's so much being done about this problem that has been an issue for far too long.

  2. I feel like there is more that people don't know about when it comes to the development of cures and such
