Monday, December 15, 2014

rape victim- Makenzye Prince

Jackie says she was violently raped by multiple men in an attack that seemed like some sort of fraternity initiation. Faced with allegations like that, you would think that the university would call the police, or at least investigate the allegations internally, but they didn’t. Instead, the decision was left to Jackie, as per school policy. At the time, Jackie was battling severe depression and facing intense social pressure to forget the whole thing. So, nothing happened. The story doesn’t say whether Jackie ever told Ms. Erdely the names of the men who allegedly raped her, and Ms. Erdely has refused to answer the question in interviews. I emailed her for clarification on Tuesday afternoon, and instead of answering my questions, she referred me to the magazine’s publicist, who sent me a prepared statement reaffirming that Rolling Stone finds Jackie credible.

i think that campus security should be more serious. This whole situation couldve been avoided and Jackie could've been safe tonight. I hope and pray her family is doing alright.

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