Sunday, December 7, 2014

British Children by Victoria Biro*

Ed Richards tells many sources his opinion on British TV.  He believes that the children of Britain should be watching their own countries original TV programs.  Nowadays all they see are imported TV shows from America or China.  He says "it will make them turn against their own country".

I do not see a problem with British children watching American programs, because this is just a form of cultural diffusion which makes the world stronger.  As long as they still watch some of their own countries TV shows and are well educated of their own culture, there is not an issue.  America and China are much more developed and have better quality shows which is probably a reason the children are more interested in them, not because they are turning against their culture.

1 comment:

  1. I understand where both of ypu are coming from, but I feel like it should be up to the people of what they want to watch. Just as on Netflix foreign films can be watched, that should be the case.
