Monday, March 16, 2015

ISIS strikes tomb by: Emma Wall

The article above discusses the destruction of what was known as Saddam Hussein's tomb.  ISIS has destroyed precious architecture that was in this tomb.  Locals recall that this was in fact not Saddam Hussein's tomb it was their ancestors, the Babylonians.  Locals are appalled by this destruction because ISIS is destroying their grandfather's hard work and findings.

I totally agree with the locals.  It is wrong that they are destroying what was once and still is their ancestors prize possessions.  ISIS has taken this to a personal level because these are their families that they are now betraying.  This means that they are willing to do anything, which is not a good sign.

1 comment:

  1. It really doesn't make sense why they would create destruction among themselves. But its also awful that they are practically erasing whatever we can trace from our history.
