Monday, March 2, 2015

Leader of drug cartel detained - Makenzye Prince

Early Friday morning Servando Gomez was detained in Morelia. Gomez is the suspected leader of "The Knights Templar" which have been accused of drug trafficking, kidnapping, muder, & extortion.  After years of complaints from citizens in Mexico. The Mexican troops got involved last year after a vigilante group started patrolling and protecting the streets from the gangs.

I'm glad that Gomez was caught. I doubt this will make a difference. Gangs are heavily populated now days and I don't think that taking their leader will make a huge difference. It may weaken the gang but if anything they had a back up plan for this, so hopefully they can capture more gang members involved. If not than I hope that this situation won't get worse in Mexico.

1 comment:

  1. i agree i am also glad that he was caught but gangs and drugs have been around for years and years and they know how to find new ways to recieve and sell drugs without an actual leader. some people even grow it and sell it themseleves
