Monday, May 4, 2015

234 More Women And Children Rescued From Stronghold - Trent Hagar

Original CNN Link

234 more women and children were rescued from Boko Haram militant stronghold. These women and children were a part of a mass abduction that took place there in April.

I think that it is good that Nigeria is handling the situation well, however it is scary that things like mass abductions can even happen. Research should be done based off of this event in order to further predict similar events in the future.


  1. That's good that there is some progress, but I also agree that they need to work on prevention, so that situations like these don't happen.

  2. It's scary to think that people are capable of performing things like mass abductions, but I'm glad the Nigerian government is handling it okay. I hope all the hostages are doing okay. Hopefully they're able to prevent the abduction of anymore people though
