Monday, May 25, 2015

Cigarette butts turned into benches by Vern Blossfeld

Summary: Cigarette butts are the world's worst litter problem by most accounts. There's tons of them thrown on the ground everyday, and not really many options when it comes to recycling them. Cigarette filters can leach tar into the ground and water, and butts are often eaten by small animals who choke on them. TerraCycle is a company that is working to collect and recycle the cigarette butts by turning them into plastic lumber, which can be used for benches and pallets among other things. As companies are discovering new ways to recycle cigarette butts, the hope is that more people will start to throw them in a recycling bin, rather than on the ground.
Analysis: I think it's great that companies are still making an effort to recycle. Hopefully ways to recycle cigarettes advance. Then maybe they won't be such a huge percentage of the litter found in beaches, etc.

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