Sunday, May 31, 2015

Muslim Woman Gets Harassed on Plane by Jackson Scoggins

On Friday Tahera Ahmad was on United Airlines flight. She was having a very good flight. The flight attendant was going around asking passengers what they would like to drink. Ahmad asked for a Diet Coke. // Sounds good so far right? // The flight attendant brought her a Diet Coke. The can was opened. Ahmad asked for an unopened on for hygienic reasons // I mean hey who knows where that DC has been. // The flight attendant said that she can't give unopened cans to passengers because they might be used as weapon, "so not diet coke for you." // Okay. Rude. But whatever. Lets go on. // The flight attendant then brought another man (assumed to be caucasian) a can of unopened beer. // Oh no. // Ahmad was upset since this man got a can of unopened beer. The attendant quickly grabbed it and opened it. Ahmad was furious. She asked the people around her if they saw and heard correctly. A man across the aisle yelled "You Muslim. You need to shut the fuck up." He looked Admad in the eyes and then said "Yes you know you would use it as a weapon so shut the fuck up" // dammit. // Nobody said anything to the man. Ahmad just cried.

This is a case of Islamaphobia in todays modern society. I wrote about this in my current events project. Islamic people have to put up with this stuff so much because of what happened on September 11th. They didn't hijack those planes. Nor would they. Islam is very peaceful religion that unfortunately has some followers who misinterpret it. Its the same as how the majority of Christians would not want the Westboro Baptist Church to represent who they are and what they stand for.


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