Sunday, August 28, 2016

American couple founded African baseball team by accident by Jade Pierre

     Chris and Erin Mcurdy work for a company called Hope International in Lusaka, Africa. One thing that the couple has in common is that they both love baseball. In March the couple met up with a friend to play catch. They notice about 30 minutes in a little boy started watching them play. They asked the young boy if he would like to join and he said yes. After a while a few other boys started to join there way into a friendly soccer match. From seeing the boys so happy and excited Erin had a great idea and asked the boys to meet with them next Saturday at the park. The boys accepted the invention and showed up the following Saturday. As the weeks went on the number of boys coming to play increased. The following week the couple brought some baseball equipment and started teaching the boys basic fundamentals of the sport. At first the couple didn't think the boys would be interested in the sport after a few weeks but they where very wrong. After a few practices the couple told the kids that they need a name to call them self. They needed a powerful symbol to represent them and where they are from. They decided on a very fierce name and they call them self
the Chilundu Leopards. After a few months of coaching they got a call from Chabi Chondoka.
Chabi Chondoka was the former head of the Baseball and Softball Association. He and the NGO partnered to build local baseball teams in Lusaka and neighboring countries. Making a baseball team has changed the kids' lives and has opened up many opportunities for them.Many of the kids say they want to eventually have career in baseball. This couple has truly inspired and opened the eyes of many people.

 all information is from

1 comment:

  1. I could totally see how one small action could turn into an inspiration to another. I find it funny/cute how the couple had no idea that they basically made a baseball team, and I like the fact that they actually put time into the young kids.
