Tuesday, August 30, 2016

"Jack the Ripper"by Edwin Guzman


China's "Jack the Ripper" captured after confusing of killing 11 people

After hearing of someone's post on clowns luring children.  It made me think"Where else is stuff like this happening". Well after hearing that a man who goes by the name of "Jack the Ripper" had confess of raping and killing 11 people.  He had been captured by officials and reported to turn himself in. The things that he had done to these girls who were reported to be 8 year old, they say, is just disgusting and sad. I don't know why he turned himself in exactly,but it's  a good thing that will make China and it's society feel safer and secure from people like him. By:Edwin Guzman


  1. I think that's very disappointing hearing young girls taking advantage of because they don't deserve that , well nobody deserves to be treated that way and it . Also I think the reason why he turned himself in because he knew he was wrong and I guess him came to his senses .

  2. It broke my heart to hear what he did to those very young girls. I'm glad that the guy turned himself in so now everyone can feel just a little more safe

  3. most rapist/ sexual predators have had something happen to them in the past that made them do the things they do now i understand that doesn't make what he did right but i would want to know if something did happen to him in the past.- Valerie Garcia

  4. I think that this is interesting and frightening. It's interesting because the killer is recycling the name of a famous London murder, and I wonder if there is any particular reason as to why. It's frightening because this is a real person, not the monster under your bed. This is a man who went to school, went grocery shopping, had birthday parties, and was indistinguable from the average citizen. It just goes to show you never know where the real villains are hiding.

  5. I think that things like this, even forever ago, are why girls have to be so afraid of the world around them and they shouldn't be.

  6. oh wow, to think that stuff like that is happening somewhere in our world. I wonder what you have to take before you just turn yourself in. The things he did are/ were horrible but it really makes me wonder what finally made him snap and turn himself in.

  7. this guy whoever he is probably turned himself in out of guilt and should be locked up forever. This is a awful thing and i hate hearing about things like this that happen in our world today.

  8. Why does stuff like this have to happen all the time? Waiting for the day it'll all stop. Noone deserves to be taken advantage of.

  9. Why does stuff like this have to happen all the time? Waiting for the day it'll all stop. Noone deserves to be taken advantage of.

  10. Things like this are disturbing and completely unorthodox. I truly hate the idea of taking advantage of our future generations. Also, just imagine how traumatizing something this is to a young child?! Just.. disgusting. -Alex Travell
