Saturday, August 27, 2016

Grace Biltz - Week 1 Post

Currently there is a debate in France about Muslim women wearing burkinis at the beach. Burkinis give Muslim woman the freedom to swim since it covers most of their bodies (which the Muslim religion requires).  However, some people believe that burkinis are a symbol of religion.  Just recently Nice, France suffered a terrorist attack by radical Islamic terrorists so there is fear among many people.  So it makes this issue difficult right now.  Fear of terrorism and fear of differences may be driving this ban on burkinis.

The highest administrative court in France has suspended the ban for now, but the debate continues.  It is a matter of civil liberties and the freedom to practice your religion and the freedom to choose your clothes.  The other side would argue that it brings religion into the public space and reminds them of terrorism.

After reading this article, I think that the court made the right decision. I believe that people should have the right to choose their clothes and practice their religious beliefs.  People should also not allow their fears to limit other people's freedom.  I hope the debate continues and that side of civil liberties will win,

I did not know anything about the challenges Muslim women face with their clothing.  It must be hard to want to participate and fit into their communities when they are so limited by their religious requirements.

I can understand how people fear terrorism, but I truly hope that people can see the difference between Islamic terrorists and the rest of the Muslim population.  However, it can be hard so soon after a devastating attack.

There are some people in our country that are afraid of Muslims because of recent terrorism. I hope that people can overcome their fear and see that not all Muslims are bad people.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with your opinion on how people have the right to choose what they want to wear and practice their own religion. Terrorism is a very scary thing and I can also understand how people can be afraid of Muslims because of the terrorist attacks, but they just need to be better informed about the subject matter.

  3. I do hope that the Muslim woman win the debate and will be allowed to wear burkins because everyone has the right to wear what they want and practice whatever religion they please.

  4. No one should have to live in fear. I agree that the side of civil liberties should win this debate.

  5. No one should have to live in fear. I agree that the side of civil liberties should win this debate.

  6. I also agree with your opinion on the right for one to practice their own religion. But I also think that no one should live in fear, including the Muslims who have no relations to the recent terrorist attacks and are afraid of practicing their religion publicly.

  7. Thank you for writing about this. I have been wanting to know more about this issue but I couldn't find an article that I could understand.
