Sunday, August 28, 2016

Current Event: Apples Security Crisis

Noah Hirsch
World History
3rd period
August 28, 2016

Just recently the public has been informed of a major security flaw in apples IOS 9.3.4.  The flaw can allow hackers to access your call history, contacts, and passwords.  The scary thing about this is a large majority of people have iPhones with important information on them, and it only takes one message to infiltrate your device.  A hacker could send out a thousand iMessages at once and the second your iPhone receives it, its already too late.  The code responsible for the hacks was written by a private seller of monitoring systems based out of Israel called the NSO group.  The code they wrote attacks three vulnerabilities in the iPhones code called zero days because Apple didn't know about them and would've had zero days to patch them up.  The hackers impersonated companies such as Google, Red Cross Facebook, and even The Pokemon Compony.

I think this is something very important to know about because there's a way to protect yourself from being targeted by these hackers.  Apple just recently released IOS 9.3.5 which fixes this bug and greatly increases your iPhone's security.  So if you are an iPhone user please go to settings-general-software update, and update your phone as soon as possibly.


  1. It's good to know that they resolved the issue, but I surprises me that Apple would've been associated with a bug in their system that allowed hackers. I like this article because there aren't many associated with tech.

  2. That is absolutely terrifying, especially because some people may not have enough storage to update their phone. It's also very scary because a lot of people don't know about that kind of stuff.

  3. I forgot to site my source for this blog so here it is.
    The New York Times:
